
OUTWOOD PARISH COUNCIL                                       

Minutes of the Council Meeting held on Tuesday 16th April 2019        

at the Church Room

Present                                               Cllrs N Wyer, J. Howard, R Yeldham, and M Baldock. Parish Clerk: L Charlesworth

                                                               Also present: Cllr Bourne, Mr J Blackmore, Mr I Frow and Mr N. Shaw.

16/0401 Apologies                         Cllr B.Gosling and Cllr H. Fitzgerald


16/0402 Minutes                             The minutes of the last meeting were approved and signed.

16/0403 Declarations                   None


16/0404County Councillor         not present and no report

 16/0405 District Councillor       Cllr Bourne reported on the situation with Sawmills. Cllrs Wyer and Baldock will be meeting with Cllr Thorn from SCC on 30th April.

Etheringtons-  the environment agency is now involved with this site and TDC have put in place enforcement action regarding the waste dump on field opposite. Cllr Bourne reported that the Beechfield application has not yet been determined.

16/0406 NT                                       A new picnic bench has been installed in the community orchard. The bridge in Wilmots Lane has been repaired. Cllr Howard will be meeting with the NT regarding  a possible ‘trim trail’ along the new path in the woods by Brickfield Road.

16/0407 Planning                           None

16/0408MUGA/Wells Field        Nothing to report           


16/0409 Training                             None planned at present

16/0410 AVM                                    Comment for next year- a microphone would be useful for presenters.

16/0411Law and Order                 Police – Not present.

Neighbourhood WatchKevin Stimson has now replaced Alice Bennett. PCSO Cheeseman is holding a drop in meeting 24th April in Smallfield; Cllr Baldock to attend. Cllr Howard will attend  ‘Policing your community meeting’ 30th April at Oxted.  A shed has been broken into on Rookery Hill.

Speedwatch – N. Shaw reported on recent activity.

16/0412Reports                               Highways and Speed Limits – Flooding on Outwood Lane; the water is still on the road despite dry weather. The road has sunk near the junction of Cogman’s Lane and Scotts Hill.

Lloyd Hall – Report received from Cllr Gosling from the last meeting  of the LHMC on 8th April. B.Morle to put together tender document. Details of funds which can be applied for have been sent to LHMC. Cllr Wyer confirmed that there was no suggestion that the Lloyd Hall parking would be funded by the OPC.

Aviation and Transport- Site for aircraft noise monitoring kit- could suggest the orchard subject to approval of NT. RACC meeting 17th April. I. Frow reported on Gatwick noise management board

Community matters- HLF funding now received for church repairs. Concern about barrels outside Castle pub;Cllr Baldock to contact letting agent. Litterpicking event 6th April was successful- bags picked up by TDC. TDC will supply more pickers and bags if required.

16/0413 Finance                              160413/1 The payments list was approved.

160413/2 Report from Clerk accepted.

16/0414 Next agenda                                   



16/0415 Next Meeting                The next meeting will be held on Tuesday 14th May 2019.

Signed………………………………….                                                                                     14th May 2019