
OUTWOOD PARISH COUNCIL                                       

Minutes of the Council Meeting held on Tuesday 11th June 2019        

at the Church Room

Present                                               Cllrs N Wyer, , B.Gosling, R Yeldham, and M Baldock. Parish Clerk: L Charlesworth

                                                               Also present: Cllr Fitzgerald and Cllr Bourne, Mr J Blackmore, Mr I Frow and Mr N. Shaw.

11/0601 Apologies                         Cllr Howard.


11/0602 Minutes                             The minutes of the last meeting were approved and signed.

11/0603 Declarations                   Cllr Wyer regarding The Dairy, Planning Application


11/0604County Councillor         Not present and no report.

11/0605 District Councillor       Cllr Bourne reported that compulsory purchase order for  the church yard extension will take some time.

11/0506 NT                                       A Letter has been sent to the NT by Cllr Howard regarding a possible ‘trim trail/play equipment’ along the new path in the woods by Brickfield Road; the NT are very positive about this project. OPC would need to be responsible for repairs and insurance, but sources of funding will be approached. The NT would aim to be in place for 2020 to tie in with NT ‘access to great outdoors’. The NT are currently doing an audit of dragonflies in the area.

11/0607 Planning                           Application 2019/868 Sawmills, Green Lane Change of use of land and buildings to Class B1, B2 and B8 use, retention of sawmill use, retention of existing bunding (under power lines), retention of Ryall & Edwards sales building on current site and retention of welfare buildings on existing site, widening of access road. This resubmission of retrospective planning applications which have already been rejected by TDC with the support of Surrey CC was discussed. Cllr Bourne reported that there was no valid appeal against the widening of the access road. 5 enforcement notices have been issued. OPC to re-submit objection following a review of the changes in the document.

11/0608MUGA/Wells Field        Grant McDonald will share mowing with David Crittell


11/0609Training                               19th June Parish Assembly

11/0610Law and Order                 Police – Not present.

Neighbourhood WatchReport received from Cllr Howard; a new NHW coordinator is required on Dayseys Hill.

Speedwatch – report received; Mr N Shaw presented a report on recent activity  

11/0611Reports                               Highways and Speed Limits – Flooding on Outwood Lane reported to SES but no response received. Chevron sign on Dayseys Hill needs replacing; Cllr Thorn to report. Road sign audit list to Anita Guy- list sent but no response. Cllr Howard to send details to Cllr Thorn to chase up if these have all been actioned yet. Clerk to instruct the Wells family to cut Dayseys Hill at the end of August.

Lloyd Hall –  The painting of white lines in the present parking area  has been suggested, in order to maximise use of existing parking. Concern was expressed over plan for up to 180 people to attend a  ball in the hall next June.

Aviation and Transport- Ian Frow updated the meeting on route 4. RACC annual meeting now 27th july

Community matters- GACT have provided funding for repointing of church room of £1900.

11/0611 Finance                              110611/1 The payments list was approved.

110611/2 Report from Clerk accepted.

110611/3 Approval of 2018/19 Annual Return Section 1 Annual Governance Statement; proposed Cllr Yeldham, seconded Cllr Baldock

110611/4 Approval of 2018/19 Annual Return Section 2- Accounting Statements; proposed Cllr Baldock, seconded Cllr Yeldham


11/0612 Next agenda                  OPC stand at Village show                             



11/0613 Next Meeting                The next meeting will be held on Tuesday 2nd July 2019.

Signed………………………………….                                                                                     2nd July 2019