

Draft Minutes of the Council Meeting held on Tuesday 11th November 2014

at the Church Room


Present Cllrs I Frow, R Yeldham, N Wyer and M Baldock. Parish Clerk L Charlesworth.

Also present: Cllrs H Windsor and P Bond, Mr N Shaw, Mr T Hall, Mr B Gosling, Mr P Daniels and Mr R Messenger.


11/1101 Apologies Cllrs B Monk and A Jones.


11/1102 Minutes The minutes of the last meeting were approved and signed.


11/1103County Councillor Cllr Windsor advised all residents to complete the Surrey transport survey, particularly with their views on community transport and concessionary travel. Following the results of the speed survey Wasp Green Lane and Miller’s Lane have been approved for a reduction in speed limit to 30mph, and Brickfield Road, Dayseys Hill and Rookery Hill to 40 mph. The first priority will be Miller’s Lane. Cllr Windsor also advised of the GACC protest on LGW noise pollution on 22ndNovember. The works taking place off Green Lane were discussed; investigations are being carried out as to why the temporary planning application was sent to Reigate and Banstead Council and not TDC. Cllr Frow has been in touch with the TDC Chief Executive on this matter. Cllr Windsor to look into why Brickfield Rd does not appear on the gritting map at all.


11/1104 District Councillor Cllr Bond reported on the consultation on traveller sites which TDC have now responded to, and reminded residents of the new recycling arrangements which will be in place from 1st December, which mean that batteries, small electrical items and textiles will be collected weekly from the road side.


11/1105 NT Not present. Cllr Baldock reported that there would be a Family Woodland day on Sunday 16th November from 1.30pm - 4pm. The car park at the top of Hornecourt Hill is to be expanded and access to it improved.


11/1106 Cyclists Nothing to report.


11/1107 Planning TA/2014/1614/TCA Outwood Cricket Ground Carry out pruning and branch reduction works to 3 oak trees at points indicated within application photographs. TA/2014/1521 Juniors, Brickfield Rd Demolition of existing garage. Erection of detached garage to north of main dwelling with 0.8 metre lowered ground floor level and habitable accommodation above including 2 roof lights to north slope and 2 roof lights to south roof slope. Formation of lowered driveway to enable vehicular access. No local objections.


11/1108 MUGA/Youth The damage caused by heavy vehicles during the Outwood Show has been partially repaired by rolling.


11/1109 Dayseys Hill Proposal for 2015: cut as part of Hub project by end June, then OPC to pay for cut and pick up at end August (£200 approx+ VAT). Path through Dayseys Hill to be cut as part of urban cut (ie 6-8 cuts per year).


11/1110 Litter picking A student taking his D of E bronze award has offered to litter-pick weekly for an hour; this will be on the MUGA and (safe) verges.


11/1111 LH Playground Mr R Messenger advised that the contractor building the new Lloyd Hall will be levelling out the land at the back, re-sowing any grass where necessary, and providing and installing the playground surface. The contractor will therefore need to know what kind of surface is required by Jan 2015. It is expected that TDC will continue to maintain and carry out safety checks on the equipment, and it is hoped that the MUGA can also be included in this arrangement, but there may be a fee. Cllr Yeldham to liaise with TDC.

11/1112 Training Cllrs Baldock Wyer and Yeldham to attend SALC meeting on 3rd December.


11/1113 AVM The 2015 AVM will take place w/c 13th April; it is hoped that the venue will be the new Lloyd Hall but this depends on likely costs. Main speakers will be Ann Bartaby from RAV and Gerry Grey from Cycle Rides UK.


11/1114 Law and Order Police – Not present but PC Baker has emailed some advice regarding the JSM works off Green Lane.

Neighbourhood Watch – A report was received of a car window having been smashed in Church Walk..

Speedwatch – No activity this month.


11/1115Reports Highways and Speed Limits – Speed limits and gritting already covered under County Councillor. A notice of a road closure for Chapel Road has been received which would mean diversions through Outwood.

Lloyd Hall – meeting on 24th November.

Aviation and TransportCovered elsewhere in meeting.

Community – Cllr Wyer and Mr C Denny will be walking the parish footpaths. The beacon will be lit for Carol singing on 7thDecember.


11/1116Finance 111116/1 The payments list was approved.

111116/2 An invoice for £70 for the rolling of the Wells Field is expected.

111116/3 The Clerk’s report was accepted.

111116/4 The budget for 2015/16 was discussed. The precept is likely to remain at £19000 for 2015/16.



11/1117 Next agenda Venue for monthly meetings.


11/1118 AOB None.

11/1119 Next Meeting The next meeting will be held on Tuesday 13th January 2015 at 8.00pm in the Church Room.


Signed……………………………………13th January 2015