
    1. Application:        2023/1073

Proposal:             Change of use from agricultural to gin distillery

Location:              Brightleigh Farm, Millers Lane, Outwood

    1. Application:        2023/1244/NH

Proposal:             Demolition of existing balcony. Erection of flat roof single storey extension to provide a larger living space which would extend beyond the rear wall of the original house by 8 m, for which the maximum height would be 3m, and for which the height of the eaves would be 3m (notification of a proposed larger home extension)

Location:              Orchard Farm, Woolborough Lane, Outwood

  1. Application:        2023/1091

Proposal:             Replacement of rear-facing velux window with two rear-facing dormer windows in a pre-existing loft conversion (certificate of lawfulness for a proposed use or development)

Location:              2 Brightleigh Meadow Cottages, Millers Lame, Outwood

  1. Application:        2022/1612/Cond2

Proposal:             Details pursuant to the discharge of condition 8 (Contaminated Land Assessment) of planning permission ref: 2022/1612 dated 5th June 2023 for (Variation of condition 2 (approved drawings) of planning application 2021/2035 (Demolition of kennels. Erection of 4 residential dwellings, with associated parking and landscaping) to allow an addition garage/car port with solar panels to serve home 2 and the addition of solar panels to the approved

Location:              Orchard Farm, Woolborough Lane, Outwood