

Draft Minutes of the Council Meeting held on Tuesday 10th February 2015

at the Church Room


Present Cllrs I Frow, N Wyer, R Yeldham, B Monk and M Baldock. Parish Clerk L Charlesworth.

Also present: Cllrs H Windsor, A Jones and P Bond, Mr B Gosling, Mr J Blackmore and Mr N Shaw.


10/0201 Apologies Mr M Johnson


10/0202 Minutes The minutes of the last meeting were approved and signed.


10/0203County Councillor Cllr Windsor advised that the SCC tax increase for 2015/16 would be 1.994%. Cllr Windsor is still pressing for repairs to Outwood Lane and reminded the meeting that any potholes must be reported either via the SCC website or by phone.


10/0204 District Councillor Cllr Bond advised that a planning application had been received for 200 homes in Horne. He will be investigating the outcome of the Fox Platt Farm application. Cllr Jones said that the first and second instalments had been paid for the Green Lane travellers’ site.


10/0205 NT Not present. Cllr Baldock advised that the wassail had been a successful evening. The NT have been clearing on the N side of Millers Lane , East of The White Cottage.


10/0206 Planning TA/2015/130. Annandale, Dayseys Hill. Erection of a single storey side extension, first floor side extension and rear dormer window. Conversion of existing garage to habitable accommodation. TA/2015/131. Annandale, Dayseys Hill Erection of a single storey side extension, first floor side extension and rear dormer window. Conversion of existing garage to habitable accommodation. TA/2015/61. Hayloft, Millers Lane. Erection of single storey side extension. Formation of extension to existing vehicular access. No local objections to any of these.


10/02/07 Litter Picking The young ‘volunteer’ has been asked to continue and a rate agreed.

10/0208 MUGA The Village Show Committee are installing a new gate and fence into the ‘show’ field. Cllr Monk emphasised the importance of ensuring that the path and ground is not damaged during the show.


10/0209 Play equipment Cllr Yeldham to contact Steve Hyder at TDC regarding what groundwork may be required. Sources of funding were discussed.


10/0210 Training None planned at present.


10/0211 AVM The 2015 AVM will take place on Monday 13th April at the Lloyd Hall. Main speakers will be Ann Bartaby from RAV and Gerry Grey from Cycle Rides UK. Other village organisations have been approached to do short presentations.


10/0212 Little Collins Concerns were expressed about access for emergency vehicles to Little Collins due to cars parked on the road. Cllr Windsor to advise Highways at SCC. A replacement road sign for Little Collins has been requested.

10/0213 Law and Order Police – Not present and no report.

Neighbourhood Watch – Report received.

Speedwatch – No activity this month.


10/0214Reports Highways and Speed Limits –Cllr Windsor to investigate progress with speed limit changes in the village; Millers Lane is likely to be the first reduced.

Lloyd Hall – The opening of the new hall went well, and £10,000 was raised at the evening event.

Aviation and Transport A letter has been sent to LGW and the Airport consultation review regarding the impact of a 2nd runway on local infrastructure. RACC meeting on 14th Jan; Cllr Frow reported that RAV are replacing runway lights and trialling a new system for guiding aircraft in and out. A letter from the Parish Council has been sent to SCC regarding rural bus services.

Community – Cllr Yeldham reported that St John’s church are applying to extend the church yard. She will be contacting Cllr Bond regarding advice on the costs of applying for planning permission for this.


10/0215Finance 100215/1 The payments list was approved.

100215/2 Nothing to report

100215/3 The Clerk’s report was accepted. It is not possible to open the noticeboard outside the Castle at the moment. A payroll system is being set up. Clerk to check website is correct regarding dates of meetings.


10/0216 Next agenda Cyclists.


10/0217 AOB None.

10/0218 Next Meeting The next meeting will be held on Tuesday 17th March 2015 at 8.00pm in the Church Room.





Signed……………………………………17thMarch 2015