




Minutes of the Council Meeting held on Tuesday 9th June 2015

at the Church Room


Present Cllrs I Frow, R Yeldham, and M Baldock. Parish Clerk L Charlesworth.

Also present: Cllrs H Windsor and A Jones, and Mr J Blackmore.



09/0601 Apologies Cllrs B Gosling and N Wyer, Cllrs P Bond and G Wates, Mr M Johnson, Mr R Hiscocks, Mr N Shaw, and PC P Baker.


09/0602 Minutes The minutes of the last meeting were approved and signed.


09/0603County Councillor Cllr Windsor informed the meeting that some dips on Outwood Lane have been filled in, but there are still dangerous potholes. Cllr Windsor will be chasing this up as well as repairs to Green Lane.


09/0604 District Councillor Cllr Jones updated us on the responsibilities of our local councillors which are; Cllr Bond – Planning Policy, Cllr Waites – Community Services, Cllr Jones – Housing. Cllr Jones updated us on the local housing development matters. Concerns were raised about the Green Lane Traveller camp with regard to the purchase and those responsible for it.


09/0605 NT Not present. Family Woodland Day on 20th September. Some problems with fly-tipping on NT land.


09/0606 Planning 2015/941 Land adjacent St George’s Rd Salfords; Change of use of land from agricultural to exercising dogs. (Retrospective). 2015/1028 Wildwood 3 Millers Copse Demolition of single storey front extension. Erection of part first floor extension part 2 storey rear extension. No local objections. Concern was expressed about the significant loss of trees around the field entrance on Rookery Hill. There was some discussion about HELAA (Housing and Economic Land Availability Assessment) and it was decided that the owners of the suggested areas would be asked to be responsible for completing the forms on their own behalf.


09/0607 Cyclists Concern was expressed about reports of the end of Green Lane being blocked by a cycle event one weekday evening last week. Cllr Jones reported that he has been attending the meetings regarding the London to Brighton Cycle Ride and is impressed with the organisers’ professional approach.

09/0608 MUGA/Wells Field Cllr Wyer is assisting the Village Show Committee to ensure that there is adequate protection for the path on the Wells Field during the Show.

09/0609 Play equipment Cllr Yeldham informed the council that a meeting will be taking place on 26th June with Paul Collis and Steve Hyder, to include discussion of the siting of the play area.


09/0610 Training Cllr Gosling will be attending a training course on 9th July.


09/0611 Venue for meetings The 7th July meeting will be held in the Alan Chilvers Room at the Lloyd Hall as a trial. Tables and chairs would need to be set up in advance.


09/0612 Law and Order Police – Concern was expressed that there was no police presence at the meeting and that no report had been received.

Neighbourhood Watch – Not present, report received.

Speedwatch – Not present but report received; some activity this month on Brickfield Road and Green Lane.


09/0613Reports Highways and Speed Limits –A letter will be delivered to all residents on Dayseys Hill enquiring about the erratic cutting of the verge on Dayseys Hill. Clerk to contact R Kirkland regarding problem with sightlines on Prince of Wales Rd.

Lloyd Hall – The Auction of Promises raised £12000. OPC Audit costs will be over £600 this year due to the PWLB loan. (usually £100)

Aviation and Transport The results of the recent Transport survey means that buses 526 & 527 through Smallfield will be withdrawn and the frequency of the 424 will be reduced to every 90 minutes

Community – St John’s Fair and Horticultural Society’s Early Summer Show on 20thJune at St John’s.

09/0614Finance 090614/1 The payments list was approved.

090614/2 MUGA Nothing to report

090614/3 The Clerk’s report was accepted.

090614/4 A £350 donation to the Outwood News was approved. Prop Cllr Yeldham, Sec Cllr Baldock

090614/5 Approval of 2014/5 Audit Section 1 Prop. Cllr Frow; Sec Cllr Yeldham

090614/6 Approval of 2014/5 Audit Section 2 Prop. Cllr Yeldham; Sec Cllr Baldock

090614/7 Approval of 2014/5 Intermediate Audit Prop. Cllr Frow; Sec Cllr Baldock



09/0615 Next agenda Nothing to add


09/0616 AOB Clerk to add Rev N Calver to agenda/minutes circulation list

09/0617 Next Meeting The next meeting will be held on Tuesday 7th July 2015 at 8.00pm in the Lloyd Hall.





Signed……………………………………7thJuly 2015