

Minutes of the Council Meeting held on Tuesday 7th July 2015

at the Lloyd Hall


Present Cllrs I Frow, R Yeldham, B Gosling, N Wyer and M Baldock. Parish Clerk L Charlesworth.

Also present: Cllrs H Windsor, G Waites, P Bond and A Jones, Mr N Shaw and Mr J Blackmore.



07/0701 Apologies Mr M Johnson and Mr J Alderton.


07/0702 Minutes The minutes of the last meeting were approved and signed.


07/0703County Councillor Cllr Windsor informed the meeting that the reduction in speed limit on Miller’s Lane is planned to be in place before April 2016. Some provisional surface dressing is due to take place on Outwood Lane, but Cllr Windsor will continue to press for it to become part of Project Horizon as well as Green Lane. The deep ditches in the verges continue to be a serious danger for cyclists on Outwood Lane. The subsidence on Green Lane is now becoming very dangerous. The M23 now has a ‘quiet surface’.


07/0704 District Councillor Cllr Waites advised the meeting that he is responsible for ‘Community Services’ including fly-tipping and recycling. He asked residents report any fly-tipping. Mr Blackmore reported that a fence at the Green Lane Traveller camp had not been repaired. Cllr Jones reported on the recent result of the Davies Commission. Cllr Bond advised that the Local Plan was agreed at the recent Planning Policy Meeting.


07/0705 NT Not present. The sheep in the orchard have now been sheared and moved. Family Woodland Day on 20th September. Some problems with fly-tipping on NT land.


07/0706 Planning 2015/1237 The Coach House Millers Lane: no local objections have been received, but Cllr Baldock to check that the residents of Brightleigh Cottage are aware of the plans.


07/0707 Cyclists Cllr Jones reported that there have been no reported problems during the BHF London to Brighton Cycle Ride. An overnight charity ride is planned for 11th July. Cllr Gosling expressed concerns over the behaviour of a number of cyclists.

07/0708 MUGA/Wells Field Cllr Wyer is assisting the Village Show Committee to ensure that there is adequate protection for the path on the Wells Field during the Show.


07/0709 Play equipment The NT have confirmed that play equipment would not be allowed in the Wells Field. The approximate budget for the play equipment will be approximately £25k depending on grants received. The play equipment will be sited in the grounds of the Lloyd Hall as before; the exact position and layout is yet to be decided. There are currently 68 children in the village between the ages on of 2 and 12 years, who would be likely to use the play equipment


07/0710 Training Cllr Gosling will be attending a New Councillor training course on 11th July. The Chairman and Vice Chairman will be attending a briefing meeting on Wednesday 18thNovember.


07/0711 Venue for meetings Potential venues for future meetings were discussed.


07/0712 Standing Orders Clerk to resend document with colour coding; Cllrs to review for discussion at September meeting.


07/0713 Law and Order Police – Concern was expressed that there was no police presence at the meeting and that no report had been received. Clerk to contact other parishes to find out what information is received from local police.

Neighbourhood Watch – Not present, report received.

Speedwatch - Some activity planned for July and August on Brickfield Road and Green Lane.


07/0714Reports Highways and Speed Limits –Clerk to check schedule for urban and rural cuts.

Lloyd Hall – Meeting planned for the end of July.

Aviation and Transport The result of the Davies Commission report was discussed.

Community – No news on the extension to the churchyard yet; a claim has been made for funds from the Heritage Lottery Fund towards repairs to the church.


07/0715Finance 070715/1 The payments list was approved.

070715/2 MUGA Nothing to report

070715/3 The Clerk’s report was accepted. The Audit has been sent off. Clerks to fill in Register of Pecuniary Interests and send to Clerk. Councillors’ responsibilities discussed and agreed.


07/0716 Next agenda Nothing to add


07/0717 AOB Clerk to contact R Kirkland regarding sightlines when turning out of Green Lane.

07/0718 Next Meeting The next meeting will be held on Tuesday 8th September 2015 at 8.00pm in the Church Room.





Signed……………………………………8thSeptember 2015