

Draft Minutes of the Council Meeting held on Tuesday 13th October 2015

at the Church Room


Present Cllrs I Frow, R Yeldham, N Wyer, B Gosling and M Baldock. Parish Clerk L Charlesworth.

Also present: Cllrs H Windsor, P Bond and A Jones, Mr N Shaw and Mr J Blackmore.


The new meeting procedures were discussed and agreed.


13/1001 Apologies Cllr G Wates


13/1002 Minutes The minutes of the last meeting were approved and signed.


13/1003County Councillor Cllr Windsor reported that the speed limit changes in Outwood were agreed at September’s Local Committee meeting. The ‘wetspots’ map has been corrected and re-submitted; one local resident has been in touch with Cllr Windsor regarding flooding of his garden in December 2013.


13/1004 District Councillor Cllr Bond reported that a representative from SCC Environmental Health Department has visited the site at Normans Corner to examine the pile of waste material there. Calculations are being made to assess whether the mound is at a safe distance from the road and nearby buildings. Cllr Bond also advised of planning permission being sought for a housing development in Smallfield. TDC is starting a campaign to encourage residents to recycle more.


13/1005 NT Not present; report received. The NT are hoping to restore a farm building at Burstow Park Farm with locally sourced oak. The feasibility of a wassail in 2016 is being assessed. The NT is hoping to encourage more community involvement in the orchard.


13/1006 Planning Cllr Bond advised the meeting that the most recent planning application at Fox Platt farm had also been refused.

13/1007 MUGA/Wells Field The potential for a wider gate into the Wells Field was discussed, following the damage to a gatepost during the Village Show. It was recognised that a wider entrance is only needed during the Village Show, and not at any other time. The money in the MUGA fund are required for repairs to the MUGA and to go towards the resurfacing which will be required in the future. There may be potential for the post to be repaired. Cllr Wyer to liaise with B. Morle regarding the gate. It was noted that no damage was caused to the paths on the Wells Field during the Village Show, thanks to the protection placed over them.


13/1008 Play equipment A decision on the amount of funding likely for the playground is expected by the end of October.


13/1009 Training Cllr Gosling will be attending the SALC AGM on 15th October, and Cllrs Frow and Wyer a briefing meeting for Chairmen on Wednesday 18th November.


13/1010 AVM 11th April 2016 to be booked for AVM in the Lloyd Hall; Jason Russell from SCC to be approached to speak (or Zena Curry/Jane Young). Format to continue as 2015 with all community groups/clubs invited to give a short presentation. Clerk to contact I. Bowring regarding Smiths charity.


13/1011 Law and Order Police – Cllrs Gosling and Baldock will be attending the Tandridge Crime Summit in November. Cllr Windsor to investigate whether a regular report can be received, similar to the one produced for Bletchingley and Godstone.

Neighbourhood Watch – Not present. Jane Weston will be the new Neighbourhood Watch Coordinator.

Speedwatch - Some activity has taken place on Brickfield Road. More is scheduled before the clocks go back.


13/1012Reports Highways and Speed Limits – A joint letter will be sent from Outwood and Horne to Jason Russell regarding Wilmots Lane changing from a BOAT to a bridleway. See above regarding speed limits. Work is being done on Outwood Lane to help address the flooding problem there. The speed bumps in Smallfield are to be replaced with a different type of speed control. Both Outwood and Horne Parish Councils are unhappy with the verge rural cut this year. A possible ‘lengthsman’s agreement’ was discussed to cover the cost of arranging the cutting of Dayseys Hill directly by the Parish Council; Cllr Wyer to investigate.

Lloyd Hall – Cllr Gosling reported on the recent LHMC meeting, at which it was reported that the Hall has strong bookings for 2016. However there have been complaints regarding noise and parking due to the numbers attending events at the Lloyd Hall from outside the community.

Aviation and Transport RACC meeting attended by Cllr Frow.

Community- Cllr Wyer has now walked around two thirds of the parish footpaths and bridleways; a report is being prepared for SCC. A village tennis tournament was recently held on the MUGA.


13/1013Finance 131013/1 The payments list was approved.

131013/2 MUGA Nothing to report

131013/3 The Clerk’s report was accepted. All forms for Councillors’ Pecuniary Interests have been received; clerk to update website. The new Transparency Code was discussed. Any changes to the website pages to be passed to the Clerk.


13/1014 Next agenda 2016/17 Precept and Transparency Code.


13/1015 AOB There was no AOB

13/1016 Next Meeting The next meeting will be held on Tuesday 10th November 2015 at 8.00pm in the Church Room.





Signed……………………………………10thNovember 2015