
                    OUTWOOD PARISH COUNCIL

Draft Minutes of the Council Meeting held on Tuesday 1st March 2016        

at the Church Room

Present                                  Cllrs I Frow, R Yeldham, N Wyer, B Gosling and M Baldock.  Parish Clerk L Charlesworth.

                                               Also present:  Cllrs A Jones, G Wates and H Windsor, Mr N Shaw, Mr R Messenger, Mr B Morle, Mrs J Howard and other members of the public.


01/0301 Apologies                Cllr P Bond and Mr M Johnson

01/0302 Minutes                    The minutes of the last meeting were approved and signed.

01/0303 Declaration              None

01/0303                                  Suspension of standing orders (proposed CllrWyer, sec Cllr Gosling) to allow:

Presentation by LHMC on proposal for parking on the Wells Field by Mr T Forbat. Questions from OPC and the public. Proposal of sub-committee being formed to review all options for parking to include a Parish Councillor, a member of the LHMC, a representative from the NT, and a member of the MUGA Committee. Proposed Cllr Frow, Seconded Cllr Gosling.

01/0304County Councillor   Cllr Windsor thanked the council for their support with querying the Tandridge proposed Local Plan. A further bus consultation is taking place but Outwood is not affected this time. The 30mph speed limit on Millers Lane, Belwether Lane and Little Collins will be in place before April. Cllr Windsor offered to request more deer warning signs for the village.

01/0305 District Councillor Cllr Wates reported that comments have been gathered on the Local Plan. Cllr Jones reported that SALC were advising against supporting CPRE on this matter.

01/0306 NT                            Report received. Estovers Day will take place on 28th Feb 130-430pm. Trees are currently being thinned out. Extraction and milling of timber will take place when the ground is harder. Rams are in the community orchard at the moment so the gates will be locked for a while. Restoration of The farm buildings at Burstow Park Farm will hopefully be using local timber. The beacon will be lit for Queen’s 90th birthday on 21st April at 730pm.

01/0307 Planning                        No applications this month. Cllr Frow reported on the background to the OPC’s support for the Expert Opinion Document on the Local Plan Issues and Approaches Document. Meeting at TDC on 15th March Cllr Gosling and Cllr Wyer to attend.


01/0308 MUGA/Wells Field Discussed above

01/0309 Play equipment      Timescales for the installation were discussed. Additional funding for the equipment was discussed; Cllr Yeldham to make request for funding for a specific item up to the value of £3k to Cllr Windsor.

01/0310 Training                   The next Parish Assembly meeting takes place on 16th March. Cllr Frow to attend.

01/0311 AVM                        11th April 2016 booked for AVM in the Lloyd Hall; Jason Russell from SCC has confirmed his attendance. A presentation will be made by SECAMB of a defibrillator.

01/0312 Defibrillator            Presentation by Murray Clark at AVM.

01/0313 Law and Order        Police – Not present and no report.

Neighbourhood Watch – NHW representative present. Nigel Shaw will be standing down as Coordinator. NHW Funds to be transferred to new Parish Council account.

Speedwatch – No activity this month.

01/0314Reports                    Highways and Speed Limits - The  culvert under Copsley is causing flooding on Gayhouse Lane. Flooding outside the Lloyd Hall; Thames Water attended and have checked their pipes and these are OK. Cllr Windsor to chase Steve Cunnah regarding this and Environmental Services.  

                                               Lloyd Hall – Nothing to report

Aviation and Transport Nothing to report . Road sign for Dayseys Hill has been requested.

  • Cllr Yeldham reported on possible celebrations for the Queen’s 90th birthday 11th - 12th June.

01/0315Finance                      010315/1 The payments list was approved.

010315/2 MUGA- nothing to report.

010315/3 The Clerk’s report was accepted.

01/0316 Next agenda                        Nothing to add                     


01/0317 Next Meeting         The next meeting will be held on Tuesday 12th April at                                       8.00pm in the Church Room.

Signed……………………………………12th April  2016