
OUTWOOD PARISH COUNCIL                                       

Draft Minutes of the Council Meeting held on Tuesday 21st June 2016        

at the Church Room

Present                                               Cllrs I Frow, R Yeldham, B Gosling and M Baldock.  Parish Clerk L Charlesworth.

                                                               Also present:  Cllrs H Windsor and H Fitzgerald; Mr J Blackmore, Mr N Shaw and Mr P Pitts.


21/0601Apologies                          Cllrs N Wyer and P Bond; Mrs J Howard and Mr M Johnson.

21/0602 Minutes                              The minutes of the last meeting were approved and signed.

21/0603 Declarations                     Cllr Yeldham for agenda point 11 as Church warden of St John’s.

21/0604County Councillor          Cllr Windsor was thanked for her contribution towards the groundworks for the playground installation. Cllr Windsor has been pressing for an update on the sewage issue outside the Lloyd Hall. Site visit by Thames Water on 16th June regarding overflow on Millers Lane near the junction with Wasp Lane. A number will be printed in the Outwood News which residents should ring as soon as possible in the event of any overflow. Local Committee meeting on Friday at 10.15am in South Godstone.

21/0605District Councillor          Cllr Fitzgerald reported on parking issues in Smallfield.

21/0606 NT                                        Not present; report received.

21/0607 Planning                            2016/762 West View Farm, St George’s Rd, RH1 5RD Demolition of existing agricultural buildings and removal of hardstanding areas; erection of 4 dwellings together with associated planning and landscaping.  Objection based on inappropriate development in Green Belt. 2016/948 the Standard Brickfield Rd. Erection of a two storey side/rear extension. 2016/947 The Standard Brickfield Rd Erection of outbuilding incorporating a double garage, games room, home office, workshop and tack/feed room. Planning Committee to review by 26th June.

21/0608 MUGA/Wells Field        Nothing to report. Discussion on Fields in Trust proposal.

21/0609 Play equipment             Concerns over installation problems were discussed. Cllr Frow has been liaising with Steve Hyder of TDC. Cllr Yeldham to find out when the playground will be accessible. Thanks were formally made to Cllr Yeldham. Possible access via Wells Field to ensure that it can be used during the school summer holidays.

21/0610 Training                              Cllr Frow and Baldock attended the Parish Assembly on 15 June. Various sources of funding for community projects were presented. Message in a Bottle initiative will be followed up.

21/0611 St Johns                              The Resolution in support of the extension to St John’s Churchyard was approved. A letter in support of the Compulsory purchase order will be sent to TDC. Prop. Cllr Baldock; Sec. Cllr Gosling

21/0612Law and Order                  Police – Not present and no report.

Neighbourhood Watch – NHW representative not present but report received. Phone fraud offering rebate on council tax for a fee reported. NHW Conference 22nd June in Oxted; Cllr Baldock and Mrs J Howard to attend.

Speedwatch – Activity on Outwood Common in early June.

21/0613 Reports                               Highways and Speed LimitsConcern was again expressed about the size and number of signs outside the Dog and Duck pub on Dayseys Hill, particularly if they could be affecting sight lines and may be in breech of planning regulations. A quotation has been received from James Wells for cut and clear of Dayseys Hill.

                                                              Lloyd Hall – LHMC meeting report discussed.

Aviation and Transport More over-flights of Outwood from LGW reported; residents must report this to the Gatwick noise line the number for which is published in the Outwood News. The Air Ambulance is now remaining at Redhill Aerodrome.

  • Tea party at the Lloyd Hall on 11th June to celebrate the Queen’s birthday was a very successful village event, and completely funded by donations and the hard work of the WI. Defibrillator- A charitable fund will be picking up the initial cost of £1600 plus around £100 per year maintenance costs.

21/0614Finance                                210614/1 The payments list was approved.

210614/2 MUGA Cllr Baldock to investigate repair on drop bolt of Wells Field gate. Possible contact with James Wells/David Crittell

210614/3 The Clerk’s report was accepted.

210614/4 The 2015/6 Annual Return Section 2 Accounting Statements was approved. Prop; Cllr Baldock, Sec Cllr Yeldham

210614/5 The 2015/6 Annual Return Internal Audit report was approved. Prop; Cllr Baldock, Sec Cllr Yeldham

21/0615Next agenda                      Separate agenda item for the Defibrillator


21/0616 Next Meeting                 The next meeting will be held on Tuesday 13th September at                                       8.00pm in the Church Room.

Signed……………………………………13th September 2016       

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