
OUTWOOD PARISH COUNCIL                                       

Draft Minutes of the Council Meeting held on Tuesday 14th February 2017        

at the Church Room

Present                                               Cllrs N Wyer, R Yeldham, B Gosling, J Howard and M Baldock.  Parish Clerk L Charlesworth.

                                                               Also present:  Cllrs H Windsor, P Bond and H Fitzgerald; J Blackmore, N Shaw and Mr I Frow.

14/0201 Apologies                         Cllr G Wates, Mr I Bowring and Mr M Johnson.

14/0202 Minutes                              The minutes of the last meeting were approved and signed.

14/0203 Declarations                     There were no declarations of interest

14/0204 County Councillor         Cllr Windsor thanked the residents of Outwood for their comments on the possible 15% increase in SCC Council tax. The late night street light switch off has now been postponed until March. The remaining speed limit changes in the village are due to take place before April. Cllr Windsor has met with the owners of the Dog and Duck and the signs have been removed, and the lights in the car park appear less dazzling.

14/0205 District Councillor         The Local Plan was discussed. Cllr Fitzgerald reported that TDC are looking into various income-generating exercises. Cllr Bond reported on a consultation regarding larger fines for dog fouling, and also community housing in Bletchingley.

14/0206 NT                                        Not present. On  Sunday 5th March there will be a Spring Walk on Outwood Common.  NT Volunteers are working on Branslands Wood and will be clearing Dayseys Hill.

14/0207 Planning                            Question regarding the demolishment of Little Woolborough Farm; this was not in the planning application approved. 2017/102/T Telecommunications Mast, Green Lane RH1 5QS Erection of 17m monopole-grey-RAL7035 or to LPA specification. No objections. It was agreed that Outwood would agree to no longer receiving paper plans from April; paper copies of individual plans can still be requested for a fee.

14/0208 MUGA/Wells Field        Tom Charman has been approached about ‘mushrooming’ the gate hinges.

14/0209 Training                              SALC Conference 2nd March; Cllrs Gosling and Baldock to attend.

14/0210 Route 4                               Update from I Frow on Route 4. Greater ‘dispersion’ of flights has meant that there are fewer over flights as evidenced on Kaspar. Consultation on night flight reduction was discussed.

14/0211 Defibrillator                      Defibrillator and cabinet is ready for installation. OPC to be invoiced directly for the installation, and will fund a plaque thanking the Patrick Evans Foundation for their donation for this.

14/0212AVM                                      Date fixed for Monday 24th April. Possible presentations from Thakenham Homes (Redhill Aerodrome development), local  Crime prevention officer, and defibrillator supplier/ Patrick Evans foundation.

14/0213 Law and Order                 Police – Not present and no report. Cllr Windsor recommended that the Police and Crime Commissioner be approached regarding lack of communication from our local Police.

Neighbourhood WatchNote to go in Outwood News regarding leaflets and stickers which are available to householders. Some bogus callers to residents purporting to be from Telephone preference service requesting a fee to continue the service. NT gate from car park to cricket club has been rammed and badly damaged.

Speedwatch – No action this month. A site for Speedwatch in Millers Lane was discussed.

14/0214 Reports                               Highways and Speed LimitsCllr Windsor confirmed that the remaining speed limit changes in the village are due to take place before April.

Lloyd Hall – Cllr Gosling reported on the Lloyd Hall AGM, including details of the financial and booking reports. The parking subcommittee report was discussed ,and it will be circulated to the Parish Council for approval, prior to being presented at the LHMC meeting on the 27th of February.

Aviation and Transport- see under Route 4 above.

  • Report of possible problem with play equipment to be investigated.

14/0215 Finance                               140215/1 The payments list was approved.

140215/2 MUGA - The inspection fee of £120 per annum was approved.

140215/3 The Clerk’s report was accepted. The July meeting will be moved from 11th July to 4th July.

14/0216 Next agenda                     No additional items.


14/0217 Next Meeting                 The next meeting will be held on Tuesday 14th March 2017

Signed………………………………….                                                                                      14th March 2017