
OUTWOOD PARISH COUNCIL                                       

Minutes of the Council Meeting held on Tuesday 4th July 2017        

at the Church Room

Present                                               Cllrs N Wyer, R Yeldham, B Gosling, J Howard and M Baldock.  Parish Clerk L Charlesworth.

                                                               Also present:  Cllrs P Bond and H Fitzgerald; Mr J Blackmore

04/0701 Apologies                         Cllr G Wates, Mrs E Moat, Mr I Bowring, Ms E Yoxall and Mr M Johnson.

04/0702 Minutes                              The minutes of the last meeting were approved and signed.

04/0703 Declarations                     None

04/0704 County Councillor         Not present and no report.

04/0705 District Councillor         Cllr Bond reported that the TDC website has been updated and modernised and on the ‘Customer 1st’ exercise which aims to improve customer experience as well reduce costs. Emergency procedures had also been reviewed. A Consultation will be taking place on the 5 possible garden villages proposed as part of the Local Plan for 8 weeks ending at the beginning of October.

04/0706 NT                                        Not present, but report received. NT will be contacting The Wells’ family regarding the new post for the beacon being stored in their yard until it needs to be used. Cllr Baldock to liaise with NT and Wells family. New seat to be placed near pond.

04/0707 Planning                            Discussion regarding work at Little Woolborough Farm; Cllr Bond to investigate. Cllr Bond advised that the proposed development of Brickfield Rd verge to create more parking would need planning permission. Details to be emailed to Cllr Bond for advice.  Cllrs Baldock and Gosling will be attending a TDC Local Plan and CIL Seminar on 11th July at Nutfield Village Hall. Extension to Woodcroft on Dayseys Hill not advised to Parish Council; Cllr Bond to investigate and report back.

04/0708 MUGA/Wells Field        Possible car boot sale on Wells Field; OPC to await proposal from LHMC before approaching NT.


04/0709 Training                              Meeting Procedures Briefing & Awareness Training booked for July and September. SSALC Chairs Networking 28th September booked for Cllr Howard.

04/0710 Defibrillator                      The LHMC are keen to have the access number for the defibrillator displayed in the Hall; however this is contrary to advice from SECAMB  and the LHMC could be liable for any damage or the consequences of any misuse.  The possibility of locating other defibrillators in the village (at pubs, and the Cricket Club) were discussed; sponsorship or other fund-raising would be required.

04/0711 Law and Order                 Police – Nothing to report

Neighbourhood WatchThe NHW Tandridge Annual Meeting will be attended by Cllrs Howard and Baldock on Thursday 6th July. No reported crimes in Outwood.

Speedwatch – Not present and no report.

04/0712 Reports                               Highways and Speed Limits TDC would offer 4 urban and 2 rural cuts if they took over ‘The Hub’ verge cutting from SCC. OPC would not be willing to contribute more to increase the number of rural cuts to 3.

Lloyd Hall – Likely costs may exceed £4000. Concern expressed over possible costs especially as parking committee came to the conclusion that additional parking was currently not required Sources of funding were discussed including applying for an amount from the SCC Member’s Allocation. The NT to volunteers will be asked by Cllr Baldock to clear the strip and cut back branches. LHMC to fund portaloo for contractors if work goes ahead. Next LHMC meeting on August 14th

Aviation and Transport- I Frow not present.

Community Nothing to report

04/0713 Finance                               040713/1 The payments list was approved.

040713/2 MUGA- nothing to report.

040713/3 The Clerk’s report was accepted.

040713/4 Budget for Lloyd Hall Parking Improvement on hold. Fee for planning permission approved at £195 Prop Cllr Wyer, Sec Cllr Yeldham

040713/5 Donation to Outwood News of £350. Proposed Cllr Yeldham, Seconded Cllr Howard

040713/6 Approval for Clerk’s new laptop

04/0714 Next agenda                     LH parking budget


04/0715 Next Meeting                 The next meeting will be held on Tuesday 12th September 2017

Signed………………………………….                                                                                      12th September 2017