
OUTWOOD PARISH COUNCIL                                       

Minutes of the Council Meeting held on Tuesday 14th November 2017        

at the Church Room

Present                                               Cllrs N Wyer, J Howard, R Yeldham, B Gosling and M Baldock.  

                                                               Also present:  Cllrs P Bond, H Fitzgerald and R Thorn; Mr N Shaw, Mr I Frow and Mrs B Thomson.

14/1101 Apologies                         Cllr G Wates, Parish Clerk, Ms E Yoxhall, and Mr M Johnson.

14/1102 Minutes                              The minutes of the last meeting were approved and signed.

14/1103 Declarations                    Cllr Baldock-(Planning App 2017/2164)

                                                               Cllr Yeldham- (Planning App 2017/1226)

14/1104 County Councillor         Cllr Thorn reported that some road patching has been done on Outwood Lane. Cllr Thorn suggests a walk round with a member of the council to update her on issues which need addressing; Cllr Wyer to arrange. Cllr Thorn advised that she still has approx. £5k in her Member’s Allocation.

 14/1105 District Councillor        Cllr Fitzgerald- reported that the Local Plan consultation closed with 5,000 responses and that the land west of Edenbridge will be excluded from further consideration. TDC has made grants for the refurbishment of  Oxted Leisure Centre and De Stafford School leisure centre. Cllr Bond reported that Reigate and Bansted DC are in favour of ‘safeguarding’  Redhill aerodrome  for development (subject to access to M23 and Tandridge agreement). Plans for 50+ houses have been approved on the land behind Grasslands, Smallfield; soil testing etc has begun for flood mitigation. This week’s Planning Policy meeting includes enforcement  and a paper on trees and landscaping.

14/1106 NT                                        Not present; report received. The trees in the orchard have been pruned. There is some question as to whether the 2018 Wassail will go ahead. The volunteers are still to do some tidying of Dayseys Hill. The beacon was lit for bonfire night.

14/1107 Planning                            2017/2164 Applegarth Millers Lane; use of part of land for car sales business (Certificate of Lawfulness for an Existing Use). Certificate of lawfulness if granted, would remain with the property if sold. Peter Bond informed the meeting that an objection is not possible but the OPC agreed to raise concerns that the business could expand and become more of a nuisance and the certificate be passed on to future owners.2017/2191 Elmsdown Green Lane; variation of condition 2 of planning Application TA/2017/1631 dated 25th September 2017 to allow for a reduction in size to the approved porch. No objections.2017/1226 Church of St John the Baptist, Brickfield Rd; Change of use of land to burial ground. No objections

14/1108 MUGA/Wells Field        Mrs Thomson addressed meeting concerning inspections by Safeplay who highlighted safety issues with the hooks on the basketball hoops 18 months ago. Hooks were removed some time ago but Safeplay persistently say that the hooks still need to be removed (and quote for the work). PC are paying for 6 monthly inspections but old photographic evidence is still being submitted by Safeplay raising a question if they are actually attending. Noted by Cllr Bond who will pass on to Steve Hyder.


14/1109 Training                              29th Nov Planning Training Seminar, Smallfield, Cllrs Wyer, Gosling and Baldock  to attend

14/1110 Law and Order                 Police – No report received

Neighbourhood WatchSuspicious activity reported to Tandridge Neighbourhood Watch team and to neighbours. One theft from house on Millers Lane. Annual review of community safety attended by Cllrs Baldock and Gosling. Update given by Cllr Gosling.

Speedwatch – No activity in the last month

14/1111 Reports                               Highways and Speed Limits Millers Lane - Tree leaning on electricity wires between Wattlelands and Wasp Well. Cllr Wyer to check if there is a contact number on the nearest pylon.

Lloyd Hall – Planning Application for widening Brickfield Rd for additional parking. Depending on cost may apply for SCC member’s allocation and Igas for funding in due course.

Aviation and Transport- Ian Frow was formally thanked for arranging the  Swanick visit. Noise Management Board member Alan Jones to attend January PC meeting.

Community Local History Archive – Cllr Yeldham to discuss with Local History Group and PCC to see if the archive can be housed in the Church or Church Room. The Outwood Branch of the British Legion want to host a tea party on Nov 11 2018 to mark the centenary of the end of the First World War.  Both District and County Councillors are prepared to make donations.

14/1112 Finance                               141112/1 The payments list was approved.

141112/2 The Clerk’s report was accepted.

141112/3 No increase to precept in 2018. Proposed Cllr Wyer Seconded Cllr Baldock.

10/1013 Next agenda                   National Trust donation for Wassail of £150.         



10/1014 Next Meeting                 The next meeting will be held on Tuesday 9thth January 2018

Signed………………………………….                                                                                      9thth January 2018