
                    OUTWOOD PARISH COUNCIL                

Minutes of the Council Meeting held on Tuesday 10th October 2017        

at the Church Room

Present                                               Cllrs N Wyer, J Howard, R Yeldham and M Baldock.  Parish Clerk L Charlesworth.

                                                               Also present:  Cllrs P Bond and H Fitzgerald; Mr J Blackmore and Mr N Shaw.

10/1001 Apologies                         Cllrs B Gosling and G Wates, Ms E Yoxhall, Mr I Frow and Mr M Johnson.

10/1002 Minutes                              The minutes of the last meeting were approved and signed.

10/1003 Declarations                     None

10/1004 County Councillor         Not present and no report.


10/1005 District Councillor         Cllr Fitzgerald advised on available discounts for Council Tax. Cllr Bond reported on new rules for private vehicle taxis safeguarding checks. 4 recycling centres which were mooted to close have now had a reprieve. The consultation on Garden Villages has now closed; around 3000 responses have been received. The government has now announced that the target for housing for Tandridge should be 645 per year compared to 470 which TDC’s current plan. This increase is due to the lack of affordable housing in the area. 88 houses are proposed for Dowlands Park off Plough Road (75 of these would be affordable)

10/1006 NT                                        Not present; report received. The NT volunteers are working in Branslands wood. No Estover day took place this year.

10/1007 Planning                            The need for a combined response on planning issues from the planning committee was discussed.

10/1008 MUGA/Wells Field        Nothing to report.                                          

10/1009 Training                              Cllr Howard attended SSALC Chairs Networking on 28th September.

10/1010 Law and Order                 Police – Nothing to report

Neighbourhood Watch2 reported car thefts in the past month

Speedwatch – Mr Shaw reported on Speedwatch activity this month

10/1011 Reports                               Highways and Speed Limits Cllr Wyer has been in contact with Steve Cunnah from Surrey Highways regarding the state of Outwood Lane. Residents are encouraged to complain about any potholes. Dayseys Hill verge has been cut and cleared. Cllr Baldock to contact NT volunteers regarding tidying the hedge and other areas on Dayseys Hill.

Lloyd Hall – Lots of praise has been received for this year’s Village Show. Confirmation that code for defibrillator cannot be provided to Lloyd Hall users. All public access defibrillators have the same rules: in the event of any illness contact should be made in the first instance with the emergency services who will then provide the code if it is appropriate.

Aviation and Transport- OPC to contact Charles Lloyd of the Gatwick Noise Management Board regarding representation on behalf of OPC. On the 16th October Cllr Baldock and Cllr Wyer will be visiting Swanwick with Mr I Frow.

Community Charlotte Parker from TDC has confirmed that no planning permission will be required for a public access defibrillator at the Bell. A defibrillator will be ordered for the Cricket Club. OCC will be applying for a sign for cricket club on Outwood Common; especially important in the case of emergency services needing to be called.

10/1012 Finance                               101012/1 The payments list was approved.

101012/2 The Clerk’s report was accepted. Completion of audit notice received from BDO

101012/3 Standing Orders discussed

10/1013 Next agenda                   Precept for 18/19             



10/1014 Next Meeting                 The next meeting will be held on Tuesday 14th November 2017

Signed………………………………….                                                                                      14th November 2017