
                    OUTWOOD PARISH COUNCIL                 

Minutes of the Council Meeting held on Tuesday 9th January 2018        

at the Church Room

Present                                               Cllrs N Wyer, B Gosling, R Yeldham, B Gosling and M Baldock.  

                                                               Also present:  Cllrs H Fitzgerald, G Wates  and R Thorn; Mr N Shaw, Mr I Frow, and Mr J Blackmore.

09/0101 Apologies                        Cllrs J Howard and P Bond, and Mr M Johnson.

09/0102 Minutes                             The minutes of the last meeting were approved and signed.

09/0103 Declarations                   Cllr Wyer- Planning Application 2017/26020/TCA


09/0104 County Councillor        Cllr Thorn is waiting to hear from Steve Cunnah regarding trip round Outwood to look at state of roads. Money from Member’s Allowance has been donated to St John’s for the purchase of tables.

 09/0105 District Councillor       Cllr Fitzgerald reported on the new Tandridge lottery. Cllr Wates reported that the purchase of defibrillator for the Bell is going ahead and that there was a public meeting last night regarding the development off Dowlands road.

09/0106 NT                                       Wassail Jan 27th; torches lit from 5pm

                                                               The fences round Lloyd Hall are being replaced; some tidying up on Dayseys Hill will also take place.

09/0107 Planning                           2017/2394 Beechfield, Moats Lane: Continued stationing of mobile home. Serious concerns expressed which will be passed on TDC. 2017/26020/TCA 2 Brightleigh Meadow Cottages 1 x mature Oak Tree- on boundary between Brightleigh Meadow Cottages and Hackness. Selective crown reduction to reduce end weight and balance crown over 2 Brightleigh Cottages and neighbouring property Hackness. Remove major dead wood. No local objections

09/0108 MUGA/Wells Field       Nothing to report


09/0109 Training                             29th Nov Planning Training Seminar, Smallfield, attended by Cllrs Wyer, Gosling and Baldock 

09/0110 GDPR                                  Training day on 30th January at Bletchingley; Cllrs Wyer, Gosling, Yeldham and Baldock to attend. New rules come in place from May and fines will apply if rules aren’t followed.

09/0111 Law and Order                Police – No report received

Neighbourhood WatchNothing to report.

Speedwatch – No activity in the last month

09/0112 Reports                              Highways and Speed Limits. Cllr Wyer to liaise with Cllr Thorn regarding the poor road surface of Outwood Lane. It was reported that there is a tree on pavement outside Dormie house on Rookery Hill. Cllr Wyer to liaise with Cllr Thorn. Millers Lane. Also  Cllr Wyer to contact BT. About the tree leaning on the wires between Wattlelands and Wasp Well.

Lloyd Hall – AGM on 29th January. Planning Application for widening Brickfield Rd for additional parking. Depending on cost may apply for SCC member’s allocation and Igas for funding in due course if the proposal goes ahead.

Aviation and Transport- Ian Frow and Cllr Wyer met with Sam Gymiah MP regarding membership of the Noise Management Board. There is currently no representation from District or Parish Councils. Alan Jones who is a current member of Noise Management Board reported to the meeting on the last NMB meeting and it’s work. Ian Frow to contact Gatcom on behalf of the Parish Council. RACC meeting 10th Jan; Ian Frow to attend.

Community A Duke of Edinburgh volunteer will take on litter picking around the MUGA the Hall and care of the flower bed outside Lloyd Hall The idea of a community litter pick was raised - bags and pickers can be obtained from TDC. TDC will come and pick up the rubbish including any tyres. Cllr Baldock to contact TDC.

09/0113 Finance                              090113/1 The payments list was approved.

090113/2 The Clerk’s report was accepted.

090113/3 No increase to precept in 2018/19. Proposed Cllr Wyer Seconded Cllr Baldock.

090113/4 Donation to NT for wassail no longer required

09/1014 Next agenda                  Annual Village Meeting  



09/1015 Next Meeting                The next meeting will be held on Tuesday 13th February 2018

Signed………………………………….                                                                                     13th February 2018