
OUTWOOD PARISH COUNCIL                                       

Draft Minutes of the Council Meeting held on Thursday 11th September 2018        

at the Church Room

Present                                               Cllrs N Wyer, B Gosling, J Howard and M Baldock. Parish Clerk: L Charlesworth

                                                               Also present:  Cllr H. Fitzgerald. Mr  I Frow,  Mr J Blackmore, Mr M. Johnson, Mr N. Shaw, Mr G Sharpe and Mr J Mankelow.

11/0901 Apologies                         Cllrs Yeldham, Bourne and Wates. PC A Bennett.

11/0902 Minutes                             The minutes of the last meeting were approved and signed.

11/0903 Declarations                   Cllr B Gosling re planning application of neighbour


11/0904County Councillor         Not present; no report received.

 11/0905 District Councillor       Cllr Fitzgerald reported that there had been only 1000 responses to the draft Local Plan. No decision yet on Beechfield planning application. All 3 Sawmills applications have been refused.

11/0906 NT                                       Not present; report received

11/0907Planning                             2018/1732 Greenways, Millers Lane; First Floor Front extension to create a larger bedroom 2 with en suite. No Objections, 2018/1729 Woolborough Hatch, Woolborough Lane - Proposed building operations in connection with Prior Approval proposed change of use from agricultural building to dwellings (C3 Use class). 2018/1730 Proposed building operations in connection with Prior Approval proposed change of use from a commercial storage building to dwelling (C3 Use class). No Objections  to both 1729 and 1730 but some concern that this may need to further development 2018/1704 Hope Farm, Moats Lane, An application under Section 191 of The Town and Country Planning Act 1990 (as amended) for a Certificate of Lawful Existing Use or Development (CLUED) for the regularisation of the use of buildings, structures and land as commercial B8 storage within the surrounding yard area.- No objections to planning as it stands but concern that it might lead to further development



 11/0908MUGA/Wells Field       Nothing to report


11/0909 Training                             SALC conference 15th November at Dorking Halls

11/0910 GDPR                                  Cllrs are reminded to change to the outwood.org email address for all OPC communication. Privacy notice has been put on website. Record retention policy has also been finalised.

11/0911 Standing Orders             Approved Prop. Cllr Howard; sec. Cllr Wyer

11/0912Law and Order                 Police – Not present and no report

Neighbourhood WatchSome reports of cold callers in the area. Stickers are available to deter them, as well as information cards.

Speedwatch – Mr N Shaw reported on recent activity.

11/0913 Reports                              Highways and Speed Limits. R and J Wells have cut and cleared Dayseys Hill. It was agreed to continue maintaining this verge. Clerk to contact Mark Richards for revised costs. NT volunteers have offered to scatter seed and cut the sight line when necessary. The council will aim to have cut and clear done earlier depending on weather. Part of Outwood Lane isbeing resurfaced this week.

Lloyd Hall –  Cllr Baldock is in touch with TDC regarding basket swing which was taken away early August; it will be replaced by the manufacturer. Cllr Baldock to order picnic bench.  Additional payment to Bill Morle for planning approved- proposed Cllr Howard; sec. Cllr Baldock.

Aviation and Transport-RACC meeting next week. Noise Management Board- Mr I Frow to speak to Alan Jones to give an update

Community –Repairs to the stonework to the church ongoing. Still awaiting news on churchyard extension from TDC planning.

11/0914 Finance                              100713/1 The payments list was approved.

100713/2 Report from Clerk accepted.

11/0915 Next agenda                    Donation to NT towards Wassail in January         



11/0916 Next Meeting                The next meeting will be held on Tuesday 9th October 2018.

Signed………………………………….                                                                                     9th October 2018