
OUTWOOD PARISH COUNCIL                                       

Minutes of the Council Meeting held on Tuesday 12th February 2019        

at the Church Room

Present                                               Cllrs N Wyer, J Howard, B Gosling, R Yeldham, and M Baldock. Parish Clerk: L Charlesworth

                                                               Also present: Cllrs Thorn, Bourne and Fitzgerald. Mr J Blackmore, Mr I Frow and Mr N. Shaw.

12/0201 Apologies                         None


12/0202 Minutes                             The minutes of the last meeting were approved and signed.

12/0203 Declarations                   None


12/0204County Councillor         Cllr Thorn reported on SCC finances for 19/20; training on flooding to take place. Cllr Thorn to raise concerns about water on Outwood Lane at culvert which has been repaired. Cllr Wyer also to contact Steve Cunnah.

 12/0205 District Councillor       Cllr Fitzgerald reported on an enforcement visit to Etheringtons. A report was requested on enforcement at the Sawmills site.

12/0206 NT                                       NT volunteers working on Branslands

12/0207 Planning                           2019/138 Woolborough Hatch, Woolborough Lane, Erection of 3 proposed dwellings following demolition of existing buildings. Concern that no sewerage, and objection due to inappropriate development; unsustainable location no public transport so all occupants would need cars-could be up to 6. 2019/205 The Maple House, 4 Millers Copse Alterations to kitchen roof and single storey rear infill extension. No local objections.

12/0208MUGA/Wells Field        Nothing to report- funds to be reserved for likely resurfacing


12/0209 Training                             None planned at present

12/0210 AVM                                    1st April at the Lloyd Hall. Liz Carter who will talk on the wellbeing prescription has been confirmed by Cllr Baldock. Cllr Yeldham to approach East Surrey Domestic Abuse Service for a second speaker. Clerk to approach village organisations.

12/0211Law and Order                 Police – Not present.

Neighbourhood WatchBoth Countrywatch and NHW say that there has been increase in flytipping and break ins into outbuildings

Speedwatch – Mr N Shaw – no activity this month.

12/0212Reports                                Highways and Speed Limits. Nothing to report. Concern about bottles being thrown out of cars on Dayseys Hill. Concern about flooding on Outwood Lane near new culvert.

Lloyd Hall – Cllr Gosling reported on the recent LHMC AGM.

Aviation and Transport- Mr I Frow reported on the Gatwick airspace change meeting he attended on behalf of the Parish Council. Alan Jones reported on the Noise Management Board review.

Community matters- Planning permission approved for churchyard. Suggestion for another litterpick in Outwood on Saturday 6th April 10am. Advert in ON. Fields in Trust- possible activity grant for outdoor equipment or trim trail.

12/0213 Finance                              120213/1 The payments list was approved.

120213/2 Report from Clerk accepted.

12/0214 Next agenda                                   



12/0215 Next Meeting                The next meeting will be held on Tuesday 12th March 2019.

Signed………………………………….                                                                                     12th March 2019