
OUTWOOD PARISH COUNCIL                                       

Minutes of the Council Meeting held on Tuesday 12th March 2019        

at the Church Room

Present                                               Cllrs N Wyer, B Gosling, R Yeldham, and M Baldock. Parish Clerk: L Charlesworth

                                                               Also present: Cllr Fitzgerald. Mr J Blackmore, Mr Alan Jones, Mr I Frow and Mr N. Shaw.

12/0301 Apologies                         Cllr J Howard and Cllr K Bourne


12/0302 Minutes                             The minutes of the last meeting were approved and signed.

12/0303 Declarations                   None


12/0304County Councillor         not present and no report

 12/0305 District Councillor       Cllr Fitgerald stated that black wheelie bins will be provided to each household for rubbish. Statement from Cllr Bourne regarding Sawmills site. Concern over state of roads including Green Lane and especially Masons Bridge Road since Sawmills has become a scaffolding yard, due to heavy lorries. Contact Cllr Thorn to ensure Surrey Highways are involved in judgement on revised Sawmills proposal.

12/0306 NT                                       NT volunteers working on Branslands. Creation of new orchard at Sandhills

12/0307 Planning                           2019/214 Cogmans Farm, Cogmans Lane; Demolition of existing barn and construction of replacement on enlarged footprint. No local objections. Meeting at TDC offices regarding development of Beechfield site. Cllr Gosling to attend.

12/0308MUGA/Wells Field        Volunteers have been working on replacing backboards


12/0309 Training                             None planned at present

12/0310 AVM                                    1st April at the Lloyd Hall. Liz Carter who will talk on the wellbeing prescription has been confirmed by Cllr Baldock.

12/0311Law and Order                 Police – Not present.

Neighbourhood WatchCar broken into in Church Walk

Speedwatch – Not present

12/0312Reports                               Highways and Speed Limits – Flooding on Outwood Lane; reply from Steve Cunnah to say that it is on their drainage investigation list.

Lloyd Hall – Cllr Gosling reported on the recent LHMC meeting and possible fundraising events. Next meeting 8th April, together with Village show meeting..

Aviation and Transport- Noise monitoring kit- could suggest the orchard subject to approval of NT

Community matters- Possible funding request for costs associated with churchyard extension. Basket swing now replaced. Litterpick in Outwood on Saturday 6th April 10am. Reunion 11th May for anyone who lived in the village during 50s 60s and 70s, especially anyone who attended Outwood village school. Fields in Trust- possible activity grant for outdoor equipment or trim trail.

12/0313 Finance                              120213/1 The payments list was approved.

120213/2 Report from Clerk accepted.

120313/3 Salary review to £12.50 per hour from April. Prop; Cllr Wyer Sec: Cllr Yeldham

12/0314 Next agenda                                   



12/0315 Next Meeting                The next meeting will be held on Tuesday 16th April 2019.

Signed………………………………….                                                                                     16th April 2019