
OUTWOOD PARISH COUNCIL                                       

Minutes of the Council Meeting held on Tuesday 1st October 2019        

at the Church Room

Present                                               Cllrs J Howard, N Wyer, B.Gosling, R Yeldham, and M Baldock. Parish Clerk: L Charlesworth

                                                               Also present: Cllrs Thorn and Bourne ; Mr I Frow and Mr N Shaw; Mrs F Mellington and Mrs P Hewitt.

01/1001 Apologies                         Cllr Fitzgerald


01/1002 Minutes                             The minutes of the last meeting were approved and signed.

01/1003 Declarations                   None


01/1004County Councillor         Cllr Thorn reported that Reigate fire station may close. There have been reports of mud on road from Etheringtons and recent accidents at that corner. A response is still awaited on  points made by Surrey Highways to Sawmills application; Cllr Thorn to follow up with Surrey Highways. SCC aren’t likely to supply a bus stop but Cllr Thorn will ask again.

01/1005 District Councillor       Cllr Bourne reported that the van on the verge on Rookery Hill has been removed. He told the meeting that TDC is now 10% over-budget and emergency measures are being put in place, with large scale projects put on hold. Cllr Bourne is hopeful that services won’t be cut.

01/1006 NT                                       Cllr Baldock reported on recent NT volunteer activities including new waymarking posts on the common. 3 trees have been taken down in front of the Gables. Concerns were expressed about over-night camper vans in NT carpark and increased fly-tipping on NT land The NT are hoping to get a grant to extend the surfaced footpath on Outwood Common. The proposed trim trail is being investigated further; a  GACT grant to be applied for.

01/1007 Planning                           Sawmills most recent application also discussed. New application on Green Lane not notified to OPC (2019/1584). OPC have indicated to TDC that they will not require paper plans, to save paper and postage costs.

01/1008MUGA/Wells Field        More quotations for grass-cutting in 2020 to be sought


01/1009Training                               Cllrs Gosling and Baldock to attend SSALC  AGM on 15th October in Dorking

01/1010 Sustainability                  Fi Mellington advised of the Village Meeting on 25th November in Lloyd Hall , A speaker from 10/10 Climate Action to inform on possible environmental initiatives and projects for consideration. Banner sitings to publicise meeting discussed. Judith Calver to be approached to possibly help with design.


01/1011Law and Order                 Police – apologies received.

Neighbourhood WatchCars in Miller’s Copse broken in to.

Speedwatch –Mr N Shaw presented a report on recent activity.

01/1012Reports                               Highways and Speed Limits –  Cogmans Lane re-surfacing to take place this month. There were reports of some damaged and missing road signs.

Lloyd Hall –  Cllr Gosling reported on the LHMC’s difficulty with their cleaning contract. Next meeting 14th November.

Aviation and Transport-Mr Frow reported on the  RACC meeting of Thursday 19th September where the new MD was introduced.

Community matters- Community litter-pick on 28th September – 8 volunteers. The St John stonework repairs have been shortlisted for the King of Prussia award.

01/1013 Finance                              011013/1 The payments list was approved.

011013/2 Report from Clerk accepted. Clarification of invoice for swing.

01/1014 Next agenda                                   



01/1015 Next Meeting                The next meeting will be held on Tuesday 12th November 2019.

Signed………………………………….                                                                                     12th November 2019
