
OUTWOOD PARISH COUNCIL                                       

Minutes of the Council Meeting held on Tuesday 12th November 2019        

at the Church Room

Present                                               Cllrs J Howard, N Wyer, B.Gosling, and M Baldock. Parish Clerk: L Charlesworth

                                                               Also present: Cllr Bourne ; Mr I Frow and Mr N Shaw; Mrs F Mellington and Mrs L Peacock.

12/1101 Apologies                         Cllr R Yeldham and Cllr Fitzgerald


12/1102 Minutes                             One alteration to the minutes under National Trust. They were then approved and signed.

12/1103 Declarations                   None


12/1104County Councillor         Not present and no report

12/1105 District Councillor       Cllr Bourne reported that he is co-chairing a committee looking at what needs to be done to rectify TDC’s significant financial difficulty.

12/1105 NT                                      The NT are carrying out a survey of ponds on the estate; no date has been set yet for the Wassail.

12/1107 Planning                           2019/1668 Hillcrest Farm, Scotts Hill, Change of use of an agricultural building for the storage and processing of timber (Retrospective)– Concerns raised

                                                               Latest Toftrees application  (2019/1686) also discussed and more detailed objection sent

12/1108MUGA/Wells Field        More quotations for grass-cutting in 2020 to be sought – Cllr Wyer to contact. MUGA committee volunteers have recently cleaned the surface.

12/1109Training                               Cllrs Gosling and Baldock reported on the SSALC  AGM on 15th October in Dorking

12/1110 Sustainability                  Fi Mellington advised of the Village Meeting on 25th November in Lloyd Hall , A speaker from 10/10 Climate Action to inform on possible environmental initiatives and projects for consideration. The sub-committee is now officially called the Outwood Climate change group. Some help with the website is required. Facebook group already set up. A feasibility study may be possible to help the Lloyd Hall in becoming  more energy efficient.

12/1111 SCC Transport Services Survey completed         

12/1112Law and Order                 Police – apologies received.

Neighbourhood WatchCars off Miller’s Lane broken in to.

Speedwatch – Mr N Shaw presented a report on recent activity.

12/1113Reports                               Highways and Speed Limits –  Street sign ordered for Dayseys Hill

Lloyd Hall –  Cllr Gosling reported on the LHMC’s difficulty with their cleaning contract. Next LHMC  meeting 14th November.

Aviation and Transport-NMB meting regarding route 4. Cllr Gosling to attend GACC meeting on Friday 15th November

Community matters- There are some concerns about the possible development of the Castle site. VE Day celebrations 8th May 2020; Village party with hog roast and bbq and music from the period; clerk to request permission to light beacon.

12/1114 Finance                              121114/1 The payments list was approved.

121114/2 Report from Clerk accepted.

12/1115 Next agenda                  Donation towards VE Day celebration costs           

The Castle Inn



12/1116 Next Meeting                The next meeting will be held on Tuesday 14th January 2020

Signed………………………………….                                                                                     14th January 2019