
OUTWOOD PARISH COUNCIL                                       

Minutes of the Council Meeting held on Tuesday 11th February 2020        

at the Church Room

Present                                               Cllrs J Howard, N Wyer, R. Yeldham, B.Gosling, and M Baldock. Parish Clerk: L Charlesworth

                                                               Also present: Mr N Shaw; Mrs P Hewitt, Ms S Hughes, Ms C Helps, Mr J Blackmore

11/02101 Apologies                       Cllr H Fitzgerald; Mr I Frow


11/0202 Minutes                             The minutes were approved and signed.

11/0203 Declarations                   None


11/0204County Councillor         Not present and no report

11/0205 District Councillor       Not present and no report

11/0206 NT                                      Cllr Baldock reported on the hibernaculum pond project and more flytipping at Branslands. Several fallen trees are to be cleared up in Hornecourt woods.

11/0207 Planning                           2020/155 Toftrees, Millers Lane Erection of single storey front extension to existing garage, extension to patio. Conversion of existing detached double garage to habitable accommodation. No local objections 2020/126 I Millers Copse. Erection of first floor side and rear extensions and construction of detached single storey car port. No local objections 2020/240 Waspwell Millers Lane. Erection of single storey side extension, conversion of existing drive-through outbuilding and 5 bay garage outbuilding. No local objections

11/0208MUGA/Wells Field        More quotations for grass-cutting in 2020 to be sought – Cllr Wyer to contact. Surface will need another clean this winter. New goal posts purchased. Annual inspection report received; only one minor fix needed.

11/0209Training                               Cllrs Yeldham and Baldock reported on the CIL Seminar on 30th January.

11/0210 OCCG                                  Cllr Wyer advised of pre application being made for a government grant to pay for an energy assessment to look at ways of providing alternatives to propane or oil for the village and the Lloyd Hall.


11/0211Law and Order                 Police – Not present and no report. Cllr Howard reported on the ‘Policing your community’ meeting.

Neighbourhood WatchBuilders at Waspwell had vans broken in to.

Speedwatch –nothing to report.

11/0212 Reports                             Highways and Speed Limits – Concern from residents on Dayseys Hill   regarding speeding drivers. Possible options were discussed including  ‘SLOW’ in road, flashing speed limit sign, or speed limit reduction. Meeting with Surrey Highways to be arranged with Rose Thorn. Possible moving back of chevron at entrance to Millers Lane. Damage to Scotts Hill/Normans Rd made worse by diverted traffic because of closure of Plough Rd. Concern expressed about damage to Dayseys Hill meadow by cars being driven on the verge. Possible preventative measures were discussed including the creation of a ditch.

Lloyd Hall – Cllr Gosling reported on recent LHMC meetings. Fund raising events have been planned. LHMC have mentioned the possibility of leaving the defibrillator cabinet unlocked; clerk confirmed that this is not advised as would not be covered by insurance for any loss or damage. SECAMB advice is that the first action is to call 999, and the code for release of the cabinet will be provided if appropriate.

Aviation and Transport- Cllrs Gosling & Wyer attended a meeting about use of the Gatwick Northern Runway, which could increase capacity by 50% by 2038. Flight paths won’t change.

Community matters- The OPC were thanked for their contribution to the cost of the VE Day celebrations 8th May 2020. The recycling point will be removed from Bell car park. The Horticultural Society has applied for the cost of three kissing gates to replace stiles from GACT.

11/0213 Finance                              110213/1 The payments list was approved.

110213/2 Report from Clerk accepted.

110213/3 The formation of a possible Aviation sub-committee was discussed

11/0214 Next agenda                  Annual Village Meeting



11/0215 Next Meeting                The next meeting will be held on Tuesday 3rd March 2020

Signed………………………………….                                                                                     3rd March 2020