
OUTWOOD PARISH COUNCIL                                       

Minutes of the Council Meeting held virtually on Wednesday 1st July 2020        

Present                                               Cllrs J Howard, N Wyer, R. Yeldham, B.Gosling, and M Baldock. Parish Clerk: L Charlesworth

                                                               Also present: Mr J Blackmore, Mr P Daniels, Mr I Frow and Mr P Jenn

01/0701 Apologies                         Cllr H Fitzgerald, Mr N Roberts and Mrs F Mellington


01/0702 Minutes                            The minutes of the June meeting were approved and signed.

01/0703 Declarations                   None


01/0704County Councillor         Not present and no report

01/0705 District Councillor       Not present; Cllr Fitzgerald will continue to investigate HGVs dumping waste into land opposite Chenies on Green Lane. 

01/0706 NT                                      Not present and no report; concern regarding furloughing of National Trust rangers and the implications for the National Trust land in the village and environs. The importance of the NT to the village was noted.

01/0707 Planning                           2020/829. The Castle Inn, Millers Lane. Alterations and change of use from A4 (Drinking Establishments) to C3 (dwelling house); Provision of associated amenity and parking areas. Application for asset of community value (ACV) sent 16th June. P Jenn has asked TDC to consider the planning issue in the light of the ACV application. Survey response: 142 so far have replied. OPC to request that planning permission decision be deferred until ACV application has been processed. 20 residents have objected to the change of use on the TDC website. Sawmills: agreed objection response to appeal against refusal of applications 2019/868, 2019/1271 and 2019/1429.

Concern regarding possibility of additional pitches being put on Green Lane traveller site; not included on the Local plan. Cllr Gosling to contact Cllr Fitzgerald to find out about this as there is some local concern.


01/0708MUGA/Wells Field        James Wells has mowed Wells Field before Glen Biddle takes over for regular cuts. Playground can re-open from 4th July.

01/0709Training                               Nothing to report

01/0710 OCCG                                  Grant application forms have been sent in; awaiting response.

01/0711Law and Order                 Police – not present and no report

Neighbourhood Watch Drink and drug related driving offences reported in Outwood

Speedwatch Report received

01/0712 Reports                             Highways and Speed Limits – Consideration regarding Wells cutting of Dayseys Hill

Lloyd Hall – no report

Aviation and Transport- Mr Frow reported that LGW is open from 6am to 10pm but traffic is limited. ‘Plane wrong’ are planning to object to CAA resolution which plane justice and Outwood are supportive of.

Community matters- St Johns is now open but there are no services.

01/0713 Finance                              010713/1 The payments list was approved.

010713/2 Report from Clerk accepted.

010713/3 Approval of 2019/20 Annual Return Section 1 Annual Governance Statement; proposed Cllr Yeldham, seconded Cllr Baldock

010713/4 Approval of 2019/20 Annual Return Section 2- Accounting Statements; proposed Cllr Baldock, seconded Cllr Yeldham

01/0714 Next agenda                 



01/0715 Next Meeting                The next meeting will be held on Tues 8th September 2020 at 8pm

Signed………………………………….                                                                                     8th September 2020