
OUTWOOD PARISH COUNCIL                                       

Minutes of the Council Meeting held virtually on Tuesday 13th October 2020        

Present                                               Cllrs J Howard, N Wyer, R. Yeldham, B.Gosling, and M Baldock. Parish Clerk: L Charlesworth

                                                               Also present: Cllrs Bourne, Fitzgerald and White, Mr J Blackmore and  Mr I Frow

13/1001 Apologies                        


13/1002 Minutes                            The minutes of the September meeting were approved and signed.

13/1003 Declarations                   None


13/1004County Councillor         Not present and no report

13/1005 District Councillor       Cllr Fitzgerald reported that more of the Ryall and Edwards site has  been cleared of all vegetation. The planning application for the certificate of lawfulness was not received by the parish clerk, either by email or by post. Concern was expressed regarding the amount of woodland that has been cleared from the site. Parish Clerk to arrange meeting with Fiona Lander, the TDC enforcement officer. Cllr Bourne  reported that the local govt reorganisation has been shelved. The proposed expansion to the Green Lane traveller’s site was discussed.

13/1006 NT                                      Not present and no report.

13/1007 Planning                           ACV now granted to the Castle. Any future planning application will be impacted by that .

13/1008MUGA/Wells Field        Nothing to report

13/1009Training                               Cllr Gosling reported on the recent training he attended on the government’s proposed white paper on changes to the planning process.

13/1010 OCCG                                  Extraordinary meeting to be arranged for 3rd November, for the OCCG to  present final company and  proposal for costs. Payment schedule to be provided and as much information in advance as possibly.  Motion- To hold an extraordinary meeting on 3rd November to approve the tender company for the application for a grant Prop. Cllr Howard Sec Cllr Yeldham The motion was passed unanimously.

13/1011Law and Order                 Police – not present and no report

Neighbourhood Watch Jo-anne Barber presented her first report as NHW coordinator

Speedwatch - not present and no report

13/1012Reports                               Highways and Speed LimitsBones Lane and Dowlands Lane will have closures for some months. East Surrey Walkers have been exploring options for the moving of footpath into Cogmans Lane at the junction with Rookery Hill, as well as carrying out some clearance.

Lloyd Hall – Cllr Gosling presented a report on the most recent LHMC meeting.

Aviation and Transport- Mr Frow reported that LGW South terminal is closed until next year. ‘Plane wrong’ have dropped their judicial review

Community matters- nothing to report

Defibrillators – Clerk to source more quotations and explore funding for a defibrillator, box and electrical connection at Dog and Duck.

13/1013 Finance                              131013/1 The payments list was approved.

131013/2 Report from Clerk accepted.

13/1014 Next agenda                  Review of CIL spending

                                                               21/22 Precept



13/1015 Next Meeting                The next meeting will be held on Tues 10th November 2020 at 8pm

Signed………………………………….                                                                                     10th November 2020