
OUTWOOD PARISH COUNCIL                                       

Minutes of the Council Meeting held virtually on Tuesday 10th November 2020        

Present                                               Cllrs J Howard, N Wyer, R. Yeldham, B.Gosling, and M Baldock. Parish Clerk: L Charlesworth

                                                               Also present: Cllr Fitzgerald, Mr I Frow, Mr and Mrs T Hall, Mr P Jenn, Mr G Sharpe and Mrs A

10/1101 Apologies                         Cllr K Bourne


10/1102 Minutes                            The minutes of the October meeting were approved and signed; the minutes of the November 3rd extraordinary meeting were signed

10/1103 Declarations                   None


10/1104County Councillor         Not present and no report

10/1105 District Councillor       Cllr Fitzgerald reported that a number of residents have contacted him regarding the planning application for the Standard. He has been in contact with Wayne Spencer, the planning officer responsible, who will keep him up to date.

10/1106 NT                                      Cllr Baldock reported that the volunteers will be back in the Spring and that the Ranger is back in her office.

10/1107 Planning                           2020/1461, The Standard, Brickfield Road, Establishment of an annual temporary (April to October) glamping site (maximum 10 Bell tents) It’s clear that some comments from the public have not been posted on the TDC website; Cllr Fitzgerald to investigate with Tandridge planning department. A summary of residents’ concerns have been submitted by the Parish Clerk.

10/1108MUGA/Wells Field        Nothing to report

10/1109Training                               Cllr Gosling reported on the recent training he attended on the government’s proposed white paper on changes to the planning process.

10/1110 OCCG                                  Cllr Wyer updated the meeting on the submission to the Energy Hub.

10/1111Law and Order                 Police – not present and no report

Neighbourhood Watch not present and no report

Speedwatch - not present and no report

10/1112Reports                               Highways and Speed LimitsSurvey about HGVs for residents of Burstow Horne and Outwood. Not distributed yet in Outwood. Jane has received a pdf which will be  distributed via Outwood Matters, and can be put in Outwood News

Lloyd Hall – nothing to report

Aviation and Transport- Mr Frow was present and had nothing to report

Community matters- Mr Jenn reported on progress with the Castle project following approval as an Asset of Community Value.

Defibrillators – Clerk waiting to hear from Dog and Duck regarding siting of a defibrillator  

Trim trail- Cllr Howard reported that Mr Wright had suggested that the NT would be open to natural ‘play trail’ on the Common, and that he would be willing to oversee the construction of this on behalf of the Parish Council. Cllrs Howard and Baldock visited Box Hill to see the trail there.

10/1113 Finance                              101113/1 The payments list was approved.

101113/2 Report from Clerk accepted.

10/11 Review of CIL Spending – defibrillator at Dog and Duck spending of up to a maximum of £1600: proposed  Cllr Wyer;  seconded Cllr Howard. Approved unanimously.

10/1114 Next agenda                   21/22 budget; 2021 Annual Village Meeting



10/1115 Next Meeting                The next meeting will be held on Tues 12th January 2021 at 8pm

Signed………………………………….                                                                                     12th January 2021