
OUTWOOD PARISH COUNCIL                                       

Minutes of the Council Meeting held virtually on Tuesday 9th February 2021    

Present                                               Cllrs J Howard, N Wyer, R. Yeldham, B.Gosling, and M Baldock. Parish Clerk: L Charlesworth

                                                               Also present: Cllrs Fitzgerald and White, Mr I Frow, Mr J Blackmore, Mr G Thomson, Mrs F Mellington, Mr R Pollard and Ms C Baart

09/0201 Apologies                         Mr N Shaw, Mr P Jenn and Cllr Bourne


09/0202 Minutes                            The minutes of the January meeting were approved and signed

09/0203 Declarations                   None


09/0204County Councillor         Not present and no report

09/0205 District Councillor       Cllr Fitzgerald reported that a new CEO is being recruited for TDC. Cllr Colin White advised that the Local Plan is on hold at the moment as there are no funds for the extra M25 junction, which would be needed for the garden village. The Planning department aren’t reviewing any new pre-planning applications for the time being. TDC Councillors will request that the planning applications for Sawmills, The Castle and Beechfield go to planning committee if the Planning department are minded to approve them.

09/0206 NT                                      Cllr Baldock reported that ash trees in the village are being felled due to ash die back,

09/0207 Planning                           2020/1939 Winterfall Barn, Rookery Hill Erection of single storey front and side extensions.  No local objections 2021/21 Amhurst, Bellwether Lane Installation of 3 dormer windows on front (North facing) elevation. No local objections 2020/2158 Beechfield Moats Lane Proposed use of land as a private gypsy and traveller caravan site consisting of 4 pitches (1 pitch retrospective) (amended description) Concern expressed regarding this because the conditions of the covenant attached to the land are not being met, and because there are not enough facilities on this site to support the additional caravans.

09/0208MUGA/Wells Field        Nothing to report

09/0209Training                               Cllr Howard reported on the recent SALC Chairs’ meeting

09/0210 OCCG                                  Motion 1 – To accept the grant from the Energy Hub Prop Cllr Wyer Sec Cllr Yeldham. Passed 4 in favour; 1 abstention. Motion 2 – To sign the contract with Avieco Prop Cllr Wyer Sec Cllr Yeldham. Passed 4 in favour; 1 abstention

09/0211 Village Show                    The date for this may now move to Saturday 4th September

09/0212Law and Order                 Police – not present – new local PC, PC Newman has been invited to attend

Neighbourhood Watch not present and no report

Speedwatch - not present and no report. It was suggested that the Speedwatch team monitor HGV movements

09/0213Reports                               Highways and Speed Limits – nothing to report

Lloyd Hall – Cllr Gosling reported on the Lloyd Hall AGM. Next meeting 29th March. The OPC approved that Cllr Wyer refurbish both noticeboards for a cost of around £100.

Aviation and Transport- Mr Frow was present but had nothing to report.

Community matters- Mr Jenn reported on progress with the Castle, with regard to funding and an independent valuation.

Churchyard extension – The notice about the CPO is now up. The costs will be up to £1.6k for TDC costs and advertising. There are only 2 more plots in current churchyard

The Castle- Cllr Wyer updated on the progress with The Castle. Cllr Wyer thanked Cllr Bourne for his support

Trim trail- Cllr Howard has been granted £900 from SCC member’s allowance to go towards this project

09/0214 Finance                              090214/1 The payments list was approved.

090214/2 Report from Clerk accepted.

090214/3 Clerk’s pay reviewed

09/0215 Next agenda                   Request for donation from St John’s



09/02116 Next Meeting             The next meeting will be held on Tues 9th March 2021 at 8pm

Signed………………………………….                                                                                     9th March 2021