


Members are summoned to attend the meeting of the Parish Council to be held on Tuesday 27th July 2021  at  8pm in the Church Room, Wasp Green Lane

Lucinda Charlesworth

Parish Clerk



1. Apologies for Absence

2.  Minutes of the last meeting

3. Declarations of Interest


4.   County Councillor

5.   District Councillors

6.   National Trust

7.  Planning: Sawmills appeal result

OUTWOOD PARISH COUNCIL                                       

Minutes of the Council Meeting held on Tuesday 27th July 2021 in the Church Room, Wasp Green Lane

Present                                               Cllrs J Howard,  R. Yeldham, B. Gosling, and M Baldock. Parish Clerk: L Charlesworth

                                                               Also present: Cllrs White, Gillman and Farr, Mr N Shaw, and Mr de Wiggondene-Sheppard


27/0701 Apologies                         Cllrs Wyer and Bourne; Mrs F Mellington, Mr J Blackmore and Mr I Frow


27/0702 Minutes                            The minutes of the June meeting were approved and signed

27/0703 Declarations                   None


27/0704County Councillor         Cllr Farr reported that the Surrey Highways contract is up for renewal. SCC are keen to have a unitary authority.

27/0705 District Councillor       Cllr Gillman reported on progress with HGV monitoring with local MP.

27/0706 NT                                      Cllr Baldock presented a report from the NT. The main priority is dealing with ash dieback. Volunteers back from 28th July. The trim trail project now has grants received totalling £4900.

27/0707 Planning                           The appeal result for Sawmills applications was discussed. Concern expressed about how the conditions specified will be enforced especially regarding hours of operation. There is no limit on HGV movements. Report all breaches and challenge any ‘emergencies’

27/0708MUGA/Wells Field        Cllr Baldock to contact Glenn Biddle regarding a cut before the OVS; she will also request an itemised invoice this year detailing the number of cuts and the cost for each one.

27/0709 Training                             Nothing to report

27/0710 OCCG                                  Nothing to report

27/0711 HGV                                     Cllr Gosling reported on the recent meeting between Claire Coutinho, local HGV operators and local residents.

27/0712 Law and Order                Police – not present. New police and crime commissioner is Lisa Townsend is asking for priorities. Speeding and flytipping were mentioned.

Neighbourhood Watch not present and no report

Speedwatch – Mr Shaw reported on recent activity

27/0713 Reports                             Highways and Speed Limits – Complaint regarding footpath 473; surface degraded during the winter. Cllr Howard has reported concerns to SCC regarding a number of footpaths including this one.

Lloyd Hall – Cllr Gosling reported on the latest Lloyd Hall meetings. Next meeting 31st August

Aviation and Transport- Nothing to report

Village Show –  OPC stand- ideas for promoting Speedwatch to get more volunteers; adopt a footpath request; ask residents’ views on Platinum jubilee celebration

Community matters- Siting of more defibrillators discussed

27/0714 Finance                              270714/1 The payments list was approved.

270714/2 Report from Clerk accepted including CIL review

27/0715 Next agenda                  Platinum Jubilee celebration  



27/0716 Next Meeting                The next meeting will be held on Tues 14th September 2021 at 8pm

Signed………………………………….                                                                                     14th September 2021


8. MUGA/Wells Field                                                                                                                                                                     

9. Training

10. Sustainable Outwood

11. HGV meeting follow up

12. Law and Order

  1. Police
  2. Neighbourhood Watch
  3. Speedwatch

13.  Reports

  1. Highways/footpaths (footpath 473)
  2. Lloyd Hall
  3. Aviation & Transport
  4. Community Matters (defibrillators, platinum jubilee)
  5. Village Show


14.  Finance

  1. Payments – list circulated
  2. Report from Clerk

15.   Items for next Agenda

16.   Date of the next meeting – Tuesday 14th September 2021 8pm



        Parish Clerk: Lucinda Charlesworth

Brightleigh House Millers Lane Outwood RH1 5PZ

(01342 843800 * parish.clerk@outwood.