
OUTWOOD PARISH COUNCIL                                       

Minutes of the Council Meeting held on Tuesday 14th September in the Church Room, Wasp Green Lane

Present                                               Cllrs J Howard, N.Wyer  R. Yeldham, B. Gosling, and M Baldock. Parish Clerk: L Charlesworth

                                                               Also present: Cllr White, Mr N Shaw, Mr G Thomson, Mr J. Blackmore and Mr B. Holmes

14/0901 Apologies                         Cllrs Gillman and Bourne


14/0902 Minutes                            The minutes of the July meeting were approved and signed

14/0903 Declarations                   None


14/0904County Councillor         No present and no report.

14/0905 District Councillor       Cllr White reported on progress with the new Local Plan without Garden Village. This plan will only go as far as 2023.

14/0906 NT                                      Cllr Baldock reported that the NT need more volunteers to help on local projects, and reminded the meeting about the Community Orchard

14/0907 Planning                           The appeal result for the Sawmills applications was discussed further.

                                                               2020/2074 is still undecided and a request has been made for it to go to the Planning Committee. It was agreed that the inaccuracies in traffic movement figures and certain factual inaccuracies regarding the length of operation of the sawmill will be mentioned in a letter to the new CEO of TDC drafted by Cllr Wyer.

14/0908MUGA/Wells Field        Quotation for hedge cutting received; Cllr Wyer to liaise with the Wells. For environmental reasons the Wells Field will be mowed just once a month and then again before the village show. The basketball hoops have been replaced in the MUGA.

14/0909 Training                             Cllr Howard will attend the Chairs Forum 1st November via Zoom. SALC AGM 12 Oct – sustainable Outwood representatives will be invited to attend.

14/0910 OCCG                                  Sustainable Outwood are still trying to get Avieco to do the round table discussion agreed.

14/0911 Jubilee celebration       Consultation to take place with the WI RBL and LHMC regarding  what celebrations might take place and on which day of the holiday weekend. The possibility of giving trees (instead of commemorative mugs) to the young people and children in the village was discussed.

14/0912 Law and Order                Police – not present and no report

Neighbourhood Watch not present and no report

Speedwatch – Mr Shaw reported on recent activity

14/0913 Reports                             Highways and Speed Limits –.

Lloyd Hall – Cllr Gosling reported on the latest Lloyd Hall meeting.

Aviation and Transport- LGW Northern Runway – virtual briefing 630pm 28 Sep via zoom. OPC still looking for a volunteer to be aviation matters

Village Show –  A great success; a vote of thanks was made to David Crittell.

Community matters- Complaint received regarding noise from event at Dog and Duck on 4th September. Cllr Howard has been frustrated with the lack of response from NT regarding the trim trail. The option of placing it on the Wells field was discussed; maintenance and strimming around it might be done by the NT volunteers . 7 footpaths were adopted at the Village Show by residents.

14/0914 Finance                              140914/1 The payments list was approved.

140914/2 Report from Clerk accepted

140914/3 Donation to Outwood News of £450 was approved; Prop: Cllr Howard, Sec: Cllr Baldock

140914/4 The allocation of £1200 of Parish Council funds for The Castle and The Bell to purchase public access defibrillators was approved; Prop Cllr Howard,  Sec Cllr Wyer

14/0915 Next agenda                  Platinum Jubilee celebration;  AVM



14/0916 Next Meeting                The next meeting will be held on Tues 12th October at 8pm

Signed………………………………….                                                                                     12th October 2021