
OUTWOOD PARISH COUNCIL                                       

 Minutes of the Council Meeting held on Tuesday 12th October 2021 in the Church Room, Wasp Green Lane

Present                                               Cllrs J Howard, N.Wyer  R. Yeldham, B. Gosling, and M Baldock.

                                                               Also present: Greig Thomson, Nigel Shaw

12/1001 Apologies                        Cllr Colin White, Parish Clerk Lucinda Charlesworth          


12/1002 Minutes                            The minutes of the September meeting were approved and signed

12/1003 Declarations                   None


12/1004County Councillor         None present, no report

12/1005 District Councillor       None present no report

12/1006 NT                                      Cllr Baldock reported that the Ash dieback work continues to be time consuming and the Forestry Commission will need to approve revised felling licences. New Lead Ranger Mark Dawson

12/1007 Planning                           Planning Committee 7/10/2021 discussion of Sawmills deferred until 4th November meeting. Cllr Howard will write to Cllr Gilman to thank him for his support and to Cllrs Bourne and White to ask for clarification as to why they withdrew their objections. It was agreed that the inaccuracies in traffic movement figures and certain factual inaccuracies regarding the length of operation of the sawmill will be mentioned in a letter to the new CEO of TDC drafted by Cllr Wyer.

2021/1612 The Barn Yard, Coopers Hill Road, South Nutfield, Use of land for siting of mobile home for residential purposes (Application for a Certificate of Lawful Development for an Existing use or Development). It was agreed that concerns would be raised again about the number of caravans sited in this area of green belt not intended for use by agricultural workers. 2021/1665/TPO Hillcrest Farm, Scotts Hill Various tree felling, removal, pollarding or crown lift. No local objections.

12/1008MUGA/Wells Field        MUGA committee meeting 12th October to discuss refurbishment of surface; they are investigating sources funding. The committee requested confirmation of the amount of funds available for this work. Cllr Wyer will organise a working party to tidy any areas of hedging not clipped by James Wells. To discuss with Glenn to see if he is happy to cut the Wells Field again next year and about reducing the number of grass cuts/year.

12/1009 Training                             Cllr Howard will attend the Chairs Forum 1st November via Zoom.

12/1010 OCCG                                  Sustainable Outwood are still trying to get Avieco to do the round table discussion agreed.

12/1011 Jubilee celebration       Consultation to take place with Smallfield PC and with WI RBL, church and LHMC regarding  what celebrations might take place and on which day of the holiday weekend.

12/1012 AVM                                    The Lloyd Hall has been booked for 25th April

12/1013 Law and Order                Police – not present and no report

Neighbourhood Watch not present and no report

Speedwatch – Mr Shaw reported on recent activity. The possibility of joining forces with Horne Speedwatch was discussed.

12/1014 Reports                             Highways and Speed Limits –. No report.

                                                               Neighbourhood Watch – Jo Barber will be stepping down. The PC to ask her to put a notice in the Outwood News

Lloyd Hall – Cllr Gosling reported on the latest Lloyd Hall meeting.

Aviation and Transport- Ian Frow has written to confirm that he will no longer be able to continue as the PC representative. The PC thanked him for his work on behalf of the PC over many years. The PC are still looking for a volunteer to report on  aviation matters.

Community matters- Trim trail - Cllr Howard is applying for a Thriving with Nature Grant.

12/1015 Finance                              121015/1 The payments list was approved.

121015/2 Report from Clerk accepted

12/1016 Next agenda                  2022/23 Precept

                                                              Discuss changing the regular date of the meeting from Jan 2022 to first Tuesday

                                                              Summary of Sustainable Outwood’s income and expenditures



12/1017 Next Meeting                The next meeting will be held on Tues 9th November at 8pm

Signed………………………………….                                                                                     9th November 2021