
OUTWOOD PARISH COUNCIL                                       

Minutes of the Council Meeting held on Tuesday 9th November 2021 in the Church Room, Wasp Green Lane

Present                                               Cllrs J Howard, N.Wyer  R. Yeldham, B. Gosling, and M Baldock. Parish Clerk Lucinda Charlesworth

                                                               Also present: Mrs P Hewitt, Mrs J Rowlands, Mr J Blackmore and Mr N Shaw

09/1101 Apologies                        Cllrs C White and M Gillman        


09/1102 Minutes                            The minutes of the October meeting were approved and signed

09/1103 Declarations                   None


09/1104County Councillor         None present, no report

09/1105 District Councillor       None present no report

09/1106 NT                                      No report

09/1107 Planning                           Update on  the Sawmills application including Planning Committee deferral of decision. The application has now been withdrawn. Cllr Wyer ran through the response he had from TDC.  

09/1108MUGA/Wells Field        MUGA refurbishment plans shared; costs are still being calculated and funding sought. Any work will not take place until the Spring.

09/1109 Training                             Cllr Howard reported on the SALC Chairs Forum she attended on 1st November via Zoom. Any decisions made by the council should  include consideration of how carbon positive they are.

09/1110 OCCG                                  Latest accounts discussed and updated

09/1111 Jubilee celebration       Consultation to take place with Smallfield PC and with WI RBL, church and LHMC regarding  what celebrations might take place and on which day of the holiday weekend. Suggestions of bench on common, trees planted. Picnic and games on the day. Plan for sub committee with representatives from RBL, NT, WI, one of the Harveys as well as Cllrs Baldock and Gosling.

09/1112 AVM                                    The Lloyd Hall has been booked for 25th April. Cllr Howard to invite Clare Coutinho. Warn village organisations and invite police.

09/1113 Meeting                            Proposal to change monthly meetings to 1st Wednesday in each month at 730pm. Cllr Howard to check this change will encourage attendance by TDC and Surrey Councillors.

09/1114 Law and Order                Police – not present and no report. Suggestion that a nominated councillor be responsible for police liaison.

Neighbourhood Watch not present and no report

Speedwatch – Mr Shaw reported that Speedwatch has now stopped for the winter. A vote of thanks was made to Nigel Shaw who is retiring from being Speedwatch Coordinator.

09/1115 Reports                             Highways and Speed Limits –. New kissing gates have been installed in the Brightleigh Farm area. Cllr Howard to chase Dayseys Hill sign.

                                                               Neighbourhood Watch – Jo Barber will be stepping down. The PC to ask her to put a notice in the Outwood News requesting nominations for replacement.

Lloyd Hall – The next meeting of LHMC is 29th November

Aviation and Transport- Mark Wooller is the new aviation representative for the Parish Council.

Community matters- Trim trail – no funding from  Thriving with Nature Grant but others are being investigated. Defibrillator now installed at the Bell; unveiling ceremony on Friday 12th November.

09/1116 Finance                              091116/1 The payments list was approved.

091116/2 Report from Clerk accepted

091116/3 2022/23 Precept discussed

09/1117 Next agenda                 




12/1017 Next Meeting                The next meeting will be held on Wednesday 12th January at 8pm

Signed………………………………….                                                                                     12th January 2022