
OUTWOOD PARISH COUNCIL                                       

Minutes of the Council Meeting held on Wednesday 2nd February 2022 in the Church Room, Wasp Green Lane

Present                                               Cllrs, N.Wyer  R. Yeldham, B. Gosling, and M Baldock. Parish Clerk Lucinda Charlesworth

                                                               Also present: Cllr Gillman, Mrs P Hewitt, Mrs Farr, Mrs B Thomson and Mr N Shaw

02/0201 Apologies                        Cllrs Howard, White, Farr and Bourne     


02/0202 Minutes                            The minutes of the November meeting were approved and signed

02/0203 Declarations                   None


02/0204County Councillor         SCC is not going to moving to be a unitary authority for the time being.

02/0205 District Councillor       Cllr Gillmam – budget for 22/23 now planned on  more stable base. Letter sent to inspector regarding the local plan. Boundaries commission review could affect the number of councillors. New chief planning officer, Ciff Thurloe; Cllr Wyer still awaiting a response to letter.

02/0206 NT                                      Cutting down ash trees; volunteers back on Wednesday

02/0207 Planning                          TA/2021/1882 Sawmills Green Lane Erection of an extension to an existing Class E, B2 General Industrial and B8 Storage and Distribution building with external works. Erection of hardstanding.(Amended Plans/Transport Statement received). Objection. Cllr Wyer is also still awaiting a response to his letter to the CEO of TDC regarding the planning irregularities.  

02/0208MUGA/Wells Field        The refurbishment will take place in May and the MUGA will be out of action for about a week during that time. The work done should mean that it will not need another refurbishment for about another 7 years, and it will also improve drainage.

02/0209 Training                             None

02/0210 OCCG                                  Nothing to report

02/0211 Jubilee celebration       Events currently planned:2nd June lighting of the beacon at 2145. Village lunch at Lloyd Hall on 5th June. The Parish Council will fund the commemorative bench and refurbished village sign.

02/0212 AVM                                    The Lloyd Hall has been booked for 25th April. Clare Coutinho and Dr Orrow will be presenting. Clerk to contact village organisations and invite the police.


02/0213 Loneliness project         Cllr Baldock has replied to Clare Coutinho

02/0214 Law and Order                Police – not present and no report

Neighbourhood Watch not present and no report; Mary to contact Mark Osland and invite to next meeting.

Speedwatch – No activity. Consideration to be made of combining forces with Horne or Smallfield.

02/0215 Reports                             Highways and Speed Limits Puddle at junction of Millers Lane

Lloyd Hall – Cllr Gosling presented his report.

Aviation and Transport   Mark Wooller to be asked to attend next meeting

Community matters- Church planning application; write to TDC planning to ask for an extension due to Covid restrictions

 02/0216 Finance                             020216/1 The payments list was approved.

020216/2 Report from Clerk accepted

020216/3 Approval of renovation of village sign (up to £300 +VAT) prop Cllr Wyer sec Cllr Baldock

020216/4 Approval of remaining funding for Trim Trail (up to £3500 +VAT) prop Cllr Wyer Sec Cllr Yeldham

020216/5  Approval of  MUGA renovation cost (£3810.50 +VAT) prop Cllr Howard Sec Cllr Wyer

02/0217 Next agenda                 




02/0218 Next Meeting                The next meeting will be held on Wednesday 2nd March at 8pm

Signed………………………………….                                                                                     2nd March 2022