
OUTWOOD PARISH COUNCIL                                       

Minutes of the Council Meeting held on Wednesday 2nd March 2022 in the Church Room, Wasp Green Lane

Present                                               Cllrs, N.Wyer  , B. Gosling, J Howard and M Baldock.

                                                               Also present: Cllr Gillman, Cllr White, Cllr Bourne,  Cllr Farr, Nigel Shaw, Sarah Johns Helena Devlin, Carole Wells, Paul Daniels, Mrs Farr

02/0301 Apologies                        Cllr Yeldham; Parish Clerk, Mr G Thomson, Mr M Wooller              


02/0302 Minutes                            The minutes of the February meeting were approved and signed

02/0303 Declarations                   None


02/0304County Councillor         Consultations: Surrey Waste Plan; Local Committees changing - highways moving to another office.

02/0305 District Councillor       Thanks were given to Cllr Gillman for his help in obtaining business interruption grants for the Lloyd Hall. Cllr Bourne won’t be standing for re-election in May, thanks were given for his support to the Parish Council for numerous projects.

Parish Clerk                                      The Parish Clerk is leaving in May. Thanks were given for the many years of service she has given to the Council. Recruitment for a replacement has begun.

02/0306 NT                                      Cllr Baldock presented National Trust Report.      

02/0307 Planning                          TA/2022/94 Sand school, The Orchards, no objections

TA/2021/1882 Noise disturbance record and complain. Cllr Wyer is also still awaiting a response to his letter to the CEO of TDC regarding the planning irregularities.  Will follow up again, Cllr Bourne will also follow up.

Development on Chapel Road Smallfield Rydon Homes seeking to apply for permission to build 3-400 new homes and a new school then redevelop school site. Public Consultation coming up on 3rd 5-8pm and 5th 10-2pm March.

Windmill SCC have a heritage department. Contact them about concerns.

02/0308MUGA/Wells Field        Grant of £1500 from Tandridge Together Community Fund to renovate the MUGA

02/0309 Training                             None

02/0310 Sustainable Outwood  Losing Terracycle recycling facility

02/0311 Jubilee celebration       Cllr Gosling updated work of the subcommittee. Considerable support from Lloyd Hall who have kindly agreed to fund picnic with a sum of £1500 from Show profits. Sadly, the National Trust will not give consent to having a bar on the common at the beacon lighting event. Thanks to the Bell for donating the beer for the picnic. Cllr Howard will apply for funding from TDC to cover costs of bench and sign refurbishment.

02/0312 AVM                                    Provide drinks and nibbles.


02/0313 Septic tanks                     TDC environmental health should be responsible for sewerage leaks. Environment Agency not interested in surface contamination but Hookhouse Farm pond gets contaminated. Look into getting grants.  Thames water may have some responsibility letter to express concern. Drainage Boards.

02/0314 Law and Order                Police – not present and no report

Neighbourhood Watch not present and no report

Speedwatch – No activity

02/0315 Reports                             Highways and Speed Limits  - no report. Drains between Brickfield Road and Millers Lane have been cleared.

Lloyd Hall – Cllr Gosling presented his report.

Aviation and Transport   Mark Wooller will represent OPC on Redhill Aerodrome Consultative Committee

Community matters- ground clearance for the trim trail has begun. Unexpected bill to cover legal costs. Defibrillator donation, The Castle is aware.

 02/0316 Finance                             020316/1 The payments list was approved. Happy to continue membership of Surrey Hills and Surrey Playing Fields. Cheques issued.

020316/2 Clerk pay review. Agreed to raise the clerks pay by 1.5% (from £18ph to £18.27ph) in line with National recommendation from April 1st 2022 proposed Cllr Howard seconded Cllr Wyer. Recruitment of new clerk discussed.

020316/3 Agreed to fund commemorative jubilee bench £400 proposed Cllr Gosling seconded Cllr Howard.

020216/4 PFI renewal agreed to go with new provider, subject to clerk establishing that there is no alternative.

02/0317 Next agenda                 




02/0318 Next Meeting                The next meeting will be held on Wednesday 6th April at 730pm

Signed………………………………….                                                                                     6th April 2022