
OUTWOOD PARISH COUNCIL                                       

Minutes of the Council Meeting held on Wednesday 6th April 2022 in the Church Room, Wasp Green Lane

Present                                               Cllrs J Howard, N.Wyer, B. Gosling, R Yeldham and M Baldock.

                                                               Also present: Cllr Gillman, Cllr Farr, Mrs Farr, Mark Wooller and Nigel Shaw.

06/0401 Apologies                        Cllr White            


06/0402 Minutes                            The minutes of the March meeting were approved and signed

06/0403 Declarations                   None


06/0404County Councillor         Cllr Wyer asked Cllr Farr for a name of someone to contact at SCC regarding general highway issues

06/0405 District Councillor       Cllr Gillman reported on progress on the Local Plan.

06/0406 NT                                      Cllr Baldock presented National Trust Report. The volunteers have been clearing up branches which have come down in the storm. A hibernaculum being created.    

06/0407 Planning                          Sawmills -  Cllr Wyer is also still awaiting a response to his letter to the CEO of TDC regarding the planning irregularities.  Cllr will follow up again.

Cllr Gosling reported on the proposed development of Chapel Road in Smallfield.

06/0408MUGA/Wells Field        Grants now received totalling £3500 towards the refurbishment of the MUGA which will take place in May.

06/0409 Training                             None

06/0410 Sustainable Outwood  Nothing to report

06/0411 Jubilee celebration       Cllr Gosling reported on the work of the subcommittee. The risk assessment for the beacon has been completed. The purchase of tree whips to give to village children is being considered; RBL are giving them lapel pins.

06/0412 AVM                                    Boards will be available for organisations to put notices up on; drinks and nibbles will be provided.


06/0413 Outwood4Ukraine        Mrs Pollard will be speaking on behalf of Outwood4Ukraine at the Annual Village Meeting.

06/0414 Law and Order                Police – not present and no report

Neighbourhood Watch not present and no report

Speedwatch – No activity

06/0415 Reports                             Highways and Speed Limits  - Pot hole on Prince of Wales Road

Lloyd Hall – There has not been an LHMC meeting since the last OPC meeting.

Aviation and Transport Mark Wooller reported that the Gatwick additional runway public  consultation has now closed. He has been  invited onto RACC. The limitations caused by winter weather mean that the taxi way can be used as a hard runway when the grass runway is waterlogged. They are therefore trying to get the monthly rolling limit changed to a 3 monthly limit. As the aerodrome is now used by air ambulance – some low flights.

Community matters Trees being felled for trim trail; clerk to respond regarding draft contract. The Castle – money for defibrillator available until the end of September.

 06/0416 Finance                             020316/1 The payments list was approved.

020316/2 The Clerk’s job description, contract, person spec and statement of employment was ratified. It was agreed to advertise the post on the SALC website; it was agreed to set up an appointments committee (Howard and Wyer), and an annual performance review for the Clerk,; proposed Cllr Howard seconded Cllr Wyer. Carried unanimously.

020316/3 Resolution to apply for Natwest Bankline for Communities; proposed  Cllr Wyer, seconded Cllr Howard. Carried unanimously

020216/4 Approval of £150 +VAT payment to NT for legal fees; proposed Cllr Baldock, seconded Cllr Yeldham


06/0417 Next agenda                  Review MUGA ring-fenced cash



06/0418 Next Meeting                The next meeting will be held on Wednesday 4th May at 730pm

Signed………………………………….                                                                                     4th May 2022