
                                  OUTWOOD PARISH COUNCIL        

Minutes of the Council Meeting held on Wednesday 4th May 2022 in the Church Room, Wasp Green Lane

Present                                               Cllrs J Howard, N.Wyer, B. Gosling, R Yeldham and M Baldock.

                                                               Also present: Cllr Gillman, Cllr Farr, Cllr White, Mrs Farr and Nigel Shaw.

04/0501 Election of chairman   Cllr Howard was elected Chair (prop. Cllr Baldock, sec. Cllr Wyer)

04/0502 Acceptance of Office  Cllr Howard signed the acceptance of office

04/0503 Election of vice chair   Cllr Wyer was elected Vice-Chair (prop. Cllr Howard, sec Cllr Baldock)

04/0504 Apologies                       


04/0505 Minutes                            The minutes of the April meeting were approved and signed

04/0506 Declarations                   None


04/0507County Councillor         Nothing to report

04/0508 District Councillor       Cllr Gillman reported on upcoming consultation on boundary changes within Tandridge

04/0509 NT                                      Nothing to report             

04/0510 Planning                          2022/370 Oakdene, Millers Lane: Erection of single storey rear extension. No Objections Sawmills -  Cllr Wyer is also still awaiting a response to his letter to the CEO of TDC regarding the planning irregularities.  Cllr  Wyer will follow up again.

04/0508MUGA/Wells Field        Cllr Wyer will speak to Glenn Biddles about cost for cut this year; MUGA refurbishment this month so MUGA will be closed for a few days

04/0509 Training                             None

04/0510 Sustainable Outwood  Nothing to report

04/0511 Jubilee celebration       Wording for bench - 2022 Outwood Parish Council commemorating the Platinum Jubilee of Queen Elizabeth 11. Cllr Gosling reported on the work of the subcommittee

04/0512 Dog and duck                  Parking problem due to fun fair on field sublet by the Dog and Duck; discussion whether they needed permission from the Police, Surrey Highways and TDC. Cllr Gillman had not received the notice and he usually gets one for his ward.


04/0513 Law and Order                Police – not present and no report

Neighbourhood Watch not present and no report

Speedwatch – No activity

04/0514 Reports                             Highways and Speed Limits  - Water on road outside the church; junction of Brickfield Rd and Wasp Green Lane needs reporting

Lloyd Hall – Cllr Gosling reported on the latest LHMC meeting. Next meeting 23rd May.

Aviation and Transport not present and no report

Community matters

 04/0515 Finance                             040515/1 The payments list was approved.

040515/2 Trim trail budget agreed at £7500 plus £600 legal fees Prop. Cllr Howard Sec Cllr Wyer. Approved unanimously

040515/3 Rodabe Rudin appointment Prop. Cllr Howard Sec Cllr Wyer. Approved unanimously

040515/4 Resolution to apply for online bank suggested by new Clerk; proposed  Cllr Wyer, seconded Cllr Howard. Carried unanimously

040515/5 Printer for clerk agreed (budget £200) plus mobile phone contract proposed  Cllr Wyer, seconded Cllr Howard. Carried unanimously

040515/6 MUGA Reserves reviewed

04/0517 Next agenda                 



04/0518 Next Meeting                The next meeting will be held on Wednesday 1st June  at 730pm

Signed………………………………….                                                                                     1st June  2022