

C/O 2 Dirty Lane, Ashurst Wood, West Sussex RH19 3RY

Tel:  01342 629165 ~ Email: parish.clerk@outwood.org

Minutes of the meeting of Outwood Parish Council held on 1st June 2022 in the Church Rooms, Wasp Green Lane at 7.30pm

PRESENT:                             Cllrs. J Howard (Chair), N Wyer (Vice Chair), B Gosling, M Baldock

IN ATTENDANCE:              District Cllr. Gillman, Cllr. S Farr, County Cllr. Farr

ALSO PRESENT:                 Mr M Wooller and Mr N Shaw

05/0519                APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE

Apologies were received and accepted from Cllr. R Yeldham

05/0520                MINUTES OF THE PREVIOUS MEETING 

  1. To approve the Minutes of the meeting held on 4th May 2022

These were proposed for acceptance, seconded, and signed as a true record

  1. Matters Arising - not covered elsewhere on the agenda


05/0521                DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST


05/0522                COUNTY COUNCILLOR’S REPORT

Cllr. Farr reported:

  • Surrey County Council was pursuing the Surrey Unity Bid as part of the County Deals strategy.  SCC will opt for Tier 2 which would keep the District Councils and have no Mayor.  There will be a consultation process and should be effective from mid-2023.  It is part of the ‘levelling up’ process


05/0523                DISTRICT COUNCILLORS' REPORTS

  • Cllr. Sue Farr was welcomed as the newly elected councillor for the ward.  Cllr Ward will sit on the Strategy and Resources and Community Services Committees and is currently undergoing relevant training.
  • Cllr. Gillman is on Strategy and Resources, and Audit and Scrutiny                                     


05/0524                NATIONAL TRUST

Cllr. Baldock reported that the NT Volunteers had carried out repairs to infrastructure.    NOTED

 It was AGREED that the NT needed to be informed of sight line concerns at certain junctions.


05/0525                PLANNING APPLICATIONS

  1. Application:        2022/463

Proposal:             Partial demolition of existing front projection, removal of rear porch and chimney stack. External and internal alterations to building and fenestration including alterations at ground level, hipped roof to existing porch and dormers, erection of additional hipped roof dormer, replacement of the roof plus associate landscaping.

Location:              Sheppards, Scotts Hill. Outwood, RH1 5PR


  1. Application:        2022/288

Proposal:              Erection of rear extension and internal alterations

Location:             Hurst, Millers Lane, Outwood, RH1 5PU


  1. Application:       2022/614/T

Proposal:             Erection of 18m monopole telecoms mast and ancillary cabinet

Location:             Green Lane, Tandridge, RH1 5QS     

COMMENT :      NO OBJECTION                                                                                                         AGREED



  1. It was reported that the MUGA has had a facelift.                                                                     
  2. Wells Field – Cllr. Wyer reported that a discussion had been held with the contractor and it was AGREED that a new structure to the contract needed to be agreed.   It was AGREED that the Clerk write to the contractor to request a quote as per the discussion.


05/0527                PLATINUM JUBILEE - Update     

It was reported by Cllr. Gosling that everything had been rehearsed and was in order for the celebrations.  Safeguarding issues re photographs had been resolved and expenditure so far was well within budget.  Cllr. Gosling was thanked for his efforts in this regard.                                              NOTED

05/0528                PARKING ON DAYSEYS HILL PROTECTED VERGE – Update

It was reported that the Dog & Duck had not applied for the necessary Licence for the events that were being held and causing parking issues on the verge in Dayseys Hill.  It was AGREED that the Chair write to the Dog & Duck and point out the necessary omissions and problems.                          AGREED

05/0529                LAW AND ORDER

Nothing to report

05/0530                REPORTS

  1. Highways – The water leak at the junction of Wasp Green Lane and Brickfield Road had been repaired
  2. Lloyd Hall
  • The income was lower due to the reduced bookings during the pandemic
  • It was NOTED that there was a large expenditure on repairs and maintenance which the Trustees had elected to carry out during the quiet period.
  • Future bookings were encouraging                                                                                 
  1. Aviation and Transport – Standing Orders were suspended to allow Mr Wooller to update the Council
  • Air Traffic was back to 70-80% of pre-pandemic levels with it anticipated to reach 100% by the summer
  • Mr Wooller was invited to a Teams meeting by the Gatwick Airport Authority and updated the Council on its outcomes.                                                            


Standing Orders were re-imposed                                           

  1. Community Matters – Nothing to report


The Clerk’s Contract of Employment was signed by the Clerk and Chair                                    NOTED                                                                                                                                                                 

05/0532                FINANCE

  1. To approve List of Payments – to be updated at meeting

The List of Payments had been circulated in advance and                                                       APPROVED       

  1. Report from Clerk
  • The Clerk apprised Members that the External Auditors had granted a 4 week till 29th July extension for the completion of the End of Year Accounts.  This will be reported by them in their Comments                                                                                                                     NOTED
  • The Clerk reported that the current ad hoc Internal Audit procedures were not adequate and presented Members with a quote from an Internal Auditor used by other local Councils.  The quotation of £250 for the end of year audit was accepted by Members and AGREED
  1. NT Trim Trail contract and charges
    • The interim invoice was included in the list of payments
    • The lease with the NT for the Trim Trail and access for maintenance will be finalised during the coming Month


  1. To approve transfer of Council’s Finances to Unity Trust Bank

This was AGREED by Members in order that the management of the Council’s banking matters could be facilitated with speed and using modern technology.  The Clerk to action                             NOTED 

  1. To approve use of RBS Rialtas Accounting Package

This was AGREED and The Clerk to facilitate the changeover.                                                NOTED

05/0533               AGENDA ITEMS FOR NEXT MEETING

  • Village Show

The Meeting finished at 9.37

SIGNED:………………………………………………………….                                                    DATE:
