

C/O 2 Dirty Lane, Ashurst Wood, West Sussex RH19 3RY

Tel:  01342 629165 ~ Email: parish.clerk@outwood.org

Minutes of the meeting of Outwood Parish Council held on 7th September 2022 in the Church Rooms, Wasp Green Lane at 7.30pm

PRESENT:                             Cllrs. J Howard (Chair), N Wyer (Vice Chair), M Baldock,

IN ATTENDANCE:              District Cllr. S Farr, District Cllr. Gillman

ALSO PRESENT:                 3 members of the public

APOLOGIES:                       County Cllr. C Farr


The following comments were made

  • There is a pothole in Green Lane – by the bridge
  • Trees overhanging the footway in Brickfield Lane
  • Condition of the sails of the Windmill.  Cllr. S Farr provided information on the conservation status of the Windmill.  The Clerk to investigate


07/0552                MINUTES OF THE PREVIOUS MEETING 

    1. To approve the Minutes of the meeting held on 6th July 2022

The minutes of the previous meeting had been circulated in advance and proposed for approval by Cllr. Wyer.  This was seconded by Cllr. Baldock and signed as a true record


    1. Matters Arising - not covered elsewhere on the agenda


07/0553                DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST



It was NOTED that Rosie Yeldham had resigned from the Council and she was thanked for her work with the Council over the years.   A Notice of Election had been published on the Website and posted on noticeboards.  It was NOTED that no election had been called for by the required 10 residents.

07/0555                COUNTY COUNCILLOR’S REPORT

It was reported that:

  • The surface of the road at the Brickfield Road junction had been reported
  • Thames Water sewage manhole covers in Millers Lane and Wasps Well needed repair


07/0556                DISTRICT COUNCILLORS' REPORT

  • Cllr. Farr reported that the works started at the Cemetery meant that the Planning Permission was extant
  • Cllr. Gillman reported that TDC Full Council had resolved to retain the 3 year election cycle and would be looking into boundaries and wards.                                                 NOTED

07/0557                PLANNING APPLICATIONS

Application:       2022/993

Proposal:             Installation of solar panels on the south facing roof slope of two Listed outbuildings

– Listed Buildings consent

Location:             Old Millers Farm Scotts Hill, Outwood

Comments:        No objection

Application:       2022/840

Proposal:             Variation of condition 2 (approved Plans).   Retrospective.  Attached to pp TA/89/1278 ‘Continued use of existing gypsy caravan site on a permanent basis to provide 19 family pitches with ancillary blocks, working and storage areas together with associated bunding, landscaping and management improvements’ Date of decision 13.12.89

Location:             Ivy Hatch Residential Site, Green Lane, Outwood

Comments:        No Objection as long as the original planning permission for 19 plots is retained and there is no further subdivision of plots to increase the number

Application:       2022/941

Proposal:             Erection of single storey side and rear extension.  Conversion to include front and rear dormers including Juliet balcony to the rear.   Enclosed front porch with pitched roof.

Location:             2 Little Collins, Millers Lane, Outwood

Comments:        No objection

07/0558                AMENITIES

  1. MUGA/Wells Field – Nothing to report
  2. Trim Trail
  • The Inspection schedule and Risk Benefit Assessment was ratified                     RESOLVED

07/0559                TRAINING

  • Clerk attending SurreyALC Clerk’s Forum                                                                       NOTED

07/0560               LAW AND ORDER

  1. Police – Nothing to report
  2. Neighbourhood Watch – Nothing to report
  3. Speedwatch – Nothing to report                                                                                                                NOTED

07/0561                REPORTS

  1. National Trust – Cllr. Baldock to write a note of thanks to Eleanor Yoxall on behalf of the Council
  2. Highways – Nothing to report
    1. Lloyd Hall – Nothing to report
    2. Aviation and Transport – Nothing to report
    3. Community Matters –
      1. the completion of the Trim Trail would be put on social media
      2. If there is insufficient interest, the litter pick on 18th September will be cancelled
      3. 15 people have expressed interest in ‘whip trees’ being purchased in honour of the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee ‘Green Canopy’ project.  It would be further advertised on Outwood Matters and the appropriate number would be purchased


07/0562                VILLAGE SHOW

This was hailed as a success

07/0563                FINANCE

To approve List of Payments – the following payments were approved





R Rudin

    Salary September                                                   312.80

    Mileage (2 meetings - Not claimed in July           19.80

    Postage                                                                         1.36


 £   333.96




 £     78.20


RJ&J Wells - Mowing of Dayseys Hill


 £   614.10


Conservation and Access - Trim Trail Balance


  £ 6,000.00



 £     45.56



 £      7,071.82


Pursuant to section 12 of the Public Bodies (Admission to Meetings) Act 1960, that the press and public be excluded from the remainder of the meeting on the grounds of the confidential nature os the business to be transacted


The Clerk’s Probationary Period was approved, and the contract was made permanent.  A date for an appraisal was set for 26th September                                                                                  RESOLVED

Meeting re-opened


07/0565                AGENDA ITEMS FOR NEXT MEETING

  1. Budget
  2. Consideration of location of new kissing gates to replace stiles – Chair will contact landowners
  3. Grants for kissing gates to be applied for

The meeting was concluded at 8.30pm

Signed:……………………………………………………                                              Date:………………………………….CHAIR


C/O 2 Dirty Lane, Ashurst Wood, West Sussex RH19 3RY

Tel:  01342 629165 ~ Email: parish.clerk@outwood.org

Minutes of the meeting of Outwood Parish Council held on 7th September 2022 in the Church Rooms, Wasp Green Lane at 7.30pm

PRESENT:                             Cllrs. J Howard (Chair), N Wyer (Vice Chair), M Baldock,

IN ATTENDANCE:              District Cllr. S Farr, District Cllr. Gillman

ALSO PRESENT:                 3 members of the public

APOLOGIES:                       County Cllr. C Farr


The following comments were made

  • There is a pothole in Green Lane – by the bridge
  • Trees overhanging the footway in Brickfield Lane
  • Condition of the sails of the Windmill.  Cllr. S Farr provided information on the conservation status of the Windmill.  The Clerk to investigate


07/0552                MINUTES OF THE PREVIOUS MEETING 

    1. To approve the Minutes of the meeting held on 6th July 2022

The minutes of the previous meeting had been circulated in advance and proposed for approval by Cllr. Wyer.  This was seconded by Cllr. Baldock and signed as a true record


    1. Matters Arising - not covered elsewhere on the agenda


07/0553                DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST



It was NOTED that Rosie Yeldham had resigned from the Council and she was thanked for her work with the Council over the years.   A Notice of Election had been published on the Website and posted on noticeboards.  It was NOTED that no election had been called for by the required 10 residents.

07/0555                COUNTY COUNCILLOR’S REPORT

It was reported that:

  • The surface of the road at the Brickfield Road junction had been reported
  • Thames Water sewage manhole covers in Millers Lane and Wasps Well needed repair


07/0556                DISTRICT COUNCILLORS' REPORT

  • Cllr. Farr reported that the works started at the Cemetery meant that the Planning Permission was extant
  • Cllr. Gillman reported that TDC Full Council had resolved to retain the 3 year election cycle and would be looking into boundaries and wards.                                                 NOTED

07/0557                PLANNING APPLICATIONS

Application:       2022/993

Proposal:             Installation of solar panels on the south facing roof slope of two Listed outbuildings

– Listed Buildings consent

Location:             Old Millers Farm Scotts Hill, Outwood

Comments:        No objection

Application:       2022/840

Proposal:             Variation of condition 2 (approved Plans).   Retrospective.  Attached to pp TA/89/1278 ‘Continued use of existing gypsy caravan site on a permanent basis to provide 19 family pitches with ancillary blocks, working and storage areas together with associated bunding, landscaping and management improvements’ Date of decision 13.12.89

Location:             Ivy Hatch Residential Site, Green Lane, Outwood

Comments:        No Objection as long as the original planning permission for 19 plots is retained and there is no further subdivision of plots to increase the number

Application:       2022/941

Proposal:             Erection of single storey side and rear extension.  Conversion to include front and rear dormers including Juliet balcony to the rear.   Enclosed front porch with pitched roof.

Location:             2 Little Collins, Millers Lane, Outwood

Comments:        No objection

07/0558                AMENITIES

  1. MUGA/Wells Field – Nothing to report
  2. Trim Trail
  • The Inspection schedule and Risk Benefit Assessment was ratified                     RESOLVED

07/0559                TRAINING

  • Clerk attending SurreyALC Clerk’s Forum                                                                       NOTED

07/0560               LAW AND ORDER

  1. Police – Nothing to report
  2. Neighbourhood Watch – Nothing to report
  3. Speedwatch – Nothing to report                                                                                                                NOTED

07/0561                REPORTS

  1. National Trust – Cllr. Baldock to write a note of thanks to Eleanor Yoxall on behalf of the Council
  2. Highways – Nothing to report
    1. Lloyd Hall – Nothing to report
    2. Aviation and Transport – Nothing to report
    3. Community Matters –
      1. the completion of the Trim Trail would be put on social media
      2. If there is insufficient interest, the litter pick on 18th September will be cancelled
      3. 15 people have expressed interest in ‘whip trees’ being purchased in honour of the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee ‘Green Canopy’ project.  It would be further advertised on Outwood Matters and the appropriate number would be purchased


07/0562                VILLAGE SHOW

This was hailed as a success

07/0563                FINANCE

To approve List of Payments – the following payments were approved





R Rudin

    Salary September                                                   312.80

    Mileage (2 meetings - Not claimed in July           19.80

    Postage                                                                         1.36


 £   333.96




 £     78.20


RJ&J Wells - Mowing of Dayseys Hill


 £   614.10


Conservation and Access - Trim Trail Balance


  £ 6,000.00



 £     45.56



 £      7,071.82


Pursuant to section 12 of the Public Bodies (Admission to Meetings) Act 1960, that the press and public be excluded from the remainder of the meeting on the grounds of the confidential nature os the business to be transacted


The Clerk’s Probationary Period was approved, and the contract was made permanent.  A date for an appraisal was set for 26th September                                                                                  RESOLVED

Meeting re-opened


07/0565                AGENDA ITEMS FOR NEXT MEETING

  1. Budget
  2. Consideration of location of new kissing gates to replace stiles – Chair will contact landowners
  3. Grants for kissing gates to be applied for

The meeting was concluded at 8.30pm

Signed:……………………………………………………                                              Date:………………………………….CHAIR