

Description automatically generated with medium confidence


C/O 2 Dirty Lane, Ashurst Wood, West Sussex RH19 3RY

Tel:  01342 629165 ~ Email: parish.clerk@outwood.org


PRESENT:                                             Cllrs. Wyer (Chair), Baldock, Gosling and de Wiggondene-Sheppard         

APOLOGIES:                                       Cllr. Howard (holiday)

IN ATTENDANCE:                             The Clerk, District Cllrs. Gillman & S Farr; County Cllr. C Farr

ALSO PRESENT:                                 3 Members of the public

01/0586                MINUTES OF THE PREVIOUS MEETING 

    1. To approve the Minutes of the meeting held on 7th September 2022
    2. To approve the Minutes of the meeting held on 27th September 2022
    3. To approve Minutes of the meeting held on 2nd November 2022

Proposed by Cllr. De Wiggodene-Sheppard, seconded by Cllr. Baldock and signed as a true record                                                                                                                                RESOLVED

    1. Matters Arising - not covered elsewhere on the agenda - NONE

01/0587                DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST

                                Cllr Gosling                         Non-Pecuniary                  Item 01/0590 (c)              Neighbour

01/0588                COUNTY COUNCILLOR’S REPORT

  • The new roads contractor has not been as good as hoped. The potholes are a huge problem
  • The County Council is over budget, but reserves should help
  • Members of the public should be encouraged to report potholes online
  • Outwood Lane was closed for patching/resurfacing

01/0589                DISTRICT COUNCILLORS' REPORTS

  • The Planning portal is back in action

01/0590                PLANNING APPLICATIONS

  1. Application               2022/1120

Proposal                     Demolition of adjacent building. Conversion of existing building to form 3 bedroom dwelling and change of use of land to form residential curtilage

Location                     Flat, Orchard Farm Kennels, Woolborough Lane, Outwood, RH1 5QR

Comment:                 No objection

  1. Application               2022/1150

Proposal                     Erection of a single storey side extension with hitched roof to the front and flat roof to the rear

Location                     Hayloft, Millers Lane, Outwood RH1 5PU

Comment:                 No objection

  1. Application               2022/1296

Proposal                     Demolition of dwelling.  Construction of replacement dwelling

Location                     Cherrytrees, Daysey’s Hill, Outwood

Comment:                 No objection

01/0591                LAW AND ORDER

    1. Police – Surrey Chief Constable will be leaving in March 
  1. Neighbourhood Watch – It was reported that fireworks on New Year's Eve were disturbing to some and caused the death of a horse.
  2. Speedwatch - none

01/0592                REPORTS

  1. National Trust - none
  2. Highways -  none
  3. Lloyd Hall
      1. Healthy balances of around £60,000
      2. It looks like 2023 will be a difficult year for income with some bookings already cancelled
      3. Some reserves will be used to subsidise operational expenditure of around £34,000 – which is  50% increase in a year.
      4. There is an issue with the water which will cost between £3-4,000 to resolve
  4. Aviation and Transport
  5. Community Matters
      1. To consider request from Salfords & Sidlow Residents re issues with Picketts Lane.  This was discussed and it was AGREED that there was nothing that the Parish Council could do to help in this matter

01/0593                FINANCE

    1. To approve List of Payments   - to be paid by BACS from Unity Trust
      1. List of Payments for December had been approved by email

R Rudin                                 £322.10

HMRC                                   £  80.40

DM Payroll Services        £120.00

Conservation & Access £6000.00  (replacement cheque)

Total                                 £6522.50


      1. List of Payments for January were approved       

                R Rudin                                 £321.90

                HMRC                                   £  80.40

                National Trust                    £175.12

                PKF Littlejohn                    £360.00



    1. Consideration of Budget for the financial year 2023/24 and set Precept to be levied on Tandridge District Council
      1. Budget  - Members had a detailed discussion on the draft budget figures as circulated n advance. It was AGREED that the current economic situation that is affecting all sectors of the economy meant that the Parish Council had no choice but to increase the Precept.
      2. Precept – It was proposed by  Cllr. De Wiggondene-Shepphard  and seconded by Cllr. Gosling that a precept of £29,000£ be levied on Tandridge District Council for the financial year 2023/24.  This represented a Band D Tax of £83.35.  An increase of £27.51 per year – or just under 53p per week.  Regret was expressed at the need to increase the precept, but it was considered necessary.


    1. Grant Applications:
      1. St. John the Baptist, Outwood – nothing further had been heard
    2. Banking – the switch from Nat West to Unity Trust would take place on 10th February.


    1. To ratify Assets Register – this had been circulated in advance and ratified


    1. To note and approve NALC recommendation for salary increase backdated to 1 April 2022 – This had been circulated in advance and it was AGREED that this be put in place


  1. TO CONSIDER SPEAKER FOR ANNUAL VILLAGE MEETING – It was AGREED that Andrew Wright be invited to talk about conservation and Michaelann Pollard be invited to speak about the refugees from Ukraine

  1. TO CONSIDER ACTIONS FOR CORONATION OF KING CHARLES III – this will be considered in detail at the next meeting with a committee of the Council formed to deal with iit

  1. TO APPROVE DIVERSITY AND INCLUSION POLICY – previously circulated – It was AGREED that this Policy be adopted by the Council                                                                                RESOLVED

  1. TO CONSIDER CHANGE OF DATE FOR NEXT MEETING – due to Clerk’s absence – It was AGREED that this be held on 8th February


    1. Tone Group’s Site
    2. St John the Baptist Church Grant

The meeting finished at 8.47pm

SIGNED ………………………………………………………………                                DATE